Tatarstan has received 2,5bn rubles to improve towns and historical settlements since 2018

Tatarstan has received 2,5bn rubles to improve towns and historical settlements since 2018. 38 settlements are the winners, said supervisor of urban environment development programmes in Tatarstan at the City Development Institute of the Republic of Tatarstan fund Nailya Zinnatullina.

This year, Tatarstan has received 510 million rubles. Six in seven applications the republic submitted became winners — Bolgar, Zainsk, Zelenodolsk, Yelabuga, Laishevo and Leninogorsk. They participated in the contest previously but couldn’t win.

Mamadysh’s project didn’t manage to win this year. Its application is going to be submitted one more time.

It should be reminded that after the victory in the contest of towns and historical settlements in 2023-2024, new public places are going to improve in winner cities.

Tatiana Dyomina

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