Tatarstan presents projects for inclusion in PSEDA of Naberezhnye Chelny

Tatarstan presents projects for inclusion in PSEDA of Naberezhnye Chelny
Photo: (archive)

In Kazan, under the chairmanship of Prime Minister of Tatarstan Aleksey Pesoshin, a meeting of the commission for the consideration of applications for the conclusion of agreements on the implementation of activities at the PSEDAs “Naberezhnye Chelny”, “Zelenodolsk” and “Chistopol” is being held. The representatives of manufacturing enterprises spoke about the developments and prospects for the application of their projects in PSEDA.

So, the project of Smartmodul PLC is aimed at the manufacture of modular buildings, structures in Naberezhnye Chelny, said its founder Aydar Usmanov:

“The project is new, the company has been created quite recently. It is planned to invest about 24 million rubles during the period of its implementation. It is planned to create about 98 jobs — this is the number of people, I think we will recruit by 2024. We will gradually increase production volumes.

The business will help you understand how to produce modular structures, in what time, how much it will cost. The founder invests his own funds in the project. Usmanov explained the choice of Naberezhnye Chelny by the fact that he himself grew up in this city — the founder always had a desire to build a business here.


Konstantin Naumov, the technical director of Lunga PLC, which produces aluminum lighting poles, explained the profitability of investments in the Naberezhnye Chelny PSEDA:

“A number of tax benefits and administrative preferences can reduce the burden on the administrative apparatus, respectively, it is possible to devote more effort to production. Less costs for production start-up, production support and maintenance.

There is also the largest manufacturer of aluminum rolled products in Naberezhnye Chelny, which can produce a profile according to the matrices of the enterprise. Thus, this allows Lunga PLC to use its own developments. Besides, the largest anodising plant in Russia is located in Naberezhnye Chelny (anodising is a protective decorative layer on the surface of metals — editor's note). The placement of production in the auto city helps to avoid logistics costs.

The company opened on June 1, 2022. During the first month of summer, more than 150 LED complexes were shipped to Kerch. About 36 million rubles have been invested, after joining PSEDA, it is planned to invest another 27 million by the end of this year.


Rinat Minkhaerov, the director general f Naberezhnye Chelny Pipe Plant PLC, told about the current project.

The company works with Gazpromneft, Lukoil, Tatneft, has now expanded its product line and produces a wide range of equipment, in particular, it is engaged in import substitution. Initially, the business plan provided for 249 jobs, now it is 923. Four shifts are fully functioning at the enterprise.


Ilgiz Bulatov, the director general of Chistopol Tandem PLC, engaged in the production of ready-made construction products made of concrete, cement and artificial stone, is convinced that the government of Tatarstan has created all the conditions for business in the Naberezhnye Chelny PSEDA:

“Immediately after we become residents of PSEDA, we purchase equipment, launch production. We have 200 jobs. Our project is obtained entirely from borrowed money.

It is calculated that construction organisations will buy products. For example, according to the programme “Our Yard”, implemented in the republic, curbs and paving stones are constantly in demand.


Director of Energoinnovation PLC Ilnur Mubarakshin said that the company's project involves the production of electrical switchboard equipment and the production of other plastic products. The company has been a resident of the PSEDA since December 2020. He explained his presence at the meeting by that there was a need to amend the existing agreement.

“We are very pleased, at all stages of submitting applications, we were actively helped and prompted by the [republican] Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Finance, and the AIR.

It is expected to reach full design capacity in 2023, the development of new types of products is scheduled for this year. There is an increase in the number of jobs at the enterprise.


Mubarakshin notes that there are many manufacturers of switchboard equipment, but due to that this type of activity covers electrical equipment so extensively, there is enough work for everyone and everyone finds their field.

Margarita Golovatenko

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