Average size of consumer credit in Tatarstan returns to pre-sanction level

Average size of consumer credit in Tatarstan returns to pre-sanction level
Photo: realnoevremya.ru (archive)

Tatarstan ahead of Udmurtia in terms of growth dynamics

In Tatarstan in June of this year, the average amount of consumer credit reached 228,074 rubles. Compared to the previous month, it increased by 41,3%, according to data from the National Bureau of Credit Histories (NBKI).

According to the average size of consumer loans, Tatarstan is the 12th in the ranking of 30 leading regions in terms of consumer loans. The top three are Moscows (484,5 thousand rubles), Moscow Oblast (360,8 thousand) and St. Petersburg (319,8 thousand).

Tatarstan has become one of the leaders in the dynamics of growth of the average consumer credit check among the 30 regions of Russia represented in the rating of the NBKI. The republic has been overtaken only by Udmurtia, where in June the average size of consumer credit increased by 46,1% compared to May.

Photo: realnoevremya.ru (archive)

According to the NBKI, 28,335 consumer loans were issued in Tatarstan in June. Their number has increased compared to May by 4,2%.

“After a sharp decline in March-April 2022, the average consumer credit size in the following months recovered to the level of the beginning of the year. Moreover, this happened against the background of a significant increase in the issuance of consumer loans in April-June, which is primarily due to the reduction in the key rate of the Bank of Russia and the subsequent reduction in market rates," explained Aleksey Volkov, the marketing director at the NBKI.

In general, according to 4 thousand creditors who transfer information to the NBKI, in June 2022, the average amount of loans issued for the purchase of consumer goods amounted to 232,2 thousand rubles. Compared to May, it increased by 25,5%.

Average size of consumer credit exceeded the figures of January

As Realnoe Vremya found out, the average size of consumer credit in Tatarstan has almost reached the level of pre-sanction February and exceeded the January value. So, according to the National Bureau of Credit Histories (NBKI), in February of this year it exceeded 245,1 thousand rubles, and in January — 201,7 thousand.

A noticeable decrease in the average size of consumer credit in Tatarstan was recorded in the spring, after the start of the special military operation and the subsequent sanctions attack by the West. In June, it increased for the first time since the beginning of spring.

Thus, according to the NBKI, in the first month of sanctions, in March, the average size of a car loan in Tatarstan collapsed by 45,9% compared to February. It was estimated at 134,2 thousand.

In the following month, the average size of consumer credit in Tatarstan continued to decline. In April, it amounted to almost 139,2 thousand rubles.

Consumer loans began to recover at the end of spring. In May, the average size of the consumer loan reached almost 161,4 thousand rubles, an increase of 15,9% compared to April.

Tatyana Demina

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