Consul General Fariddin Nasriev: ‘No forces are capable of interfering with Uzbekistan’

“Illegal actions bore obvious signs of a pre-planned sabotage”

On July 1-2, 2022, an attempt was made to undermine the constitutional order, territorial integrity and unity of Uzbekistan in the Uzbek city of Nukus. As the consul general of the republic in Kazan, Fariddin Nasriev, told Realnoe Vremya, under the pretext of protesting against the proposals for amendments to the Constitution of the state submitted for public discussion, a group of malefactors organised violent actions, clashes and attempts to forcibly seize buildings of state authorities.

“These illegal actions bore obvious signs of a pre-planned sabotage aimed at fomenting separatism, destabilising and splitting a peaceful, united, democratic country," Fariddin Nasriyev said.

He explained why Internet connection had to be temporarily restricted due to the riots. This step had to be taken because “hostile forces”, trying to win over the residents of Uzbekistan, spread fake news and populist slogans on the Internet and the media.

Mobile communication is now available in full on the territory of Karakalpakstan. Grocery stores, markets, bakeries, banks, hospitals and other social facilities are operating as usual. Electricity, gas and water are supplied in normal mode.

“The relevant state bodies of Uzbekistan inform the public on a daily basis about the current situation in Karakalpakstan. In this regard, the statements regarding the lack of access to information are groundless," the diplomat drew attention.

18 dead, 270 injured

During the riots, repeated attempts were made to storm the parliament buildings — Jokargy Kenes, the Nukus police department, and the National Guard department. Firearms were seized and hostages were taken from among law enforcement officers. Cases of arson, damage and destruction of state, public and personal property have been recorded. The infrastructure of the city has suffered significant damage, said Fariddin Nasriev.

107 law enforcement officers have been seriously injured. Of them, 23 are being in serious condition. In total, 270 employees of state bodies have been injured. Eighteen people were killed during the riots.

“The brutality of the actions of the rioters was the result of the provocative actions of a group of people who manipulated people's minds, which cannot be qualified as peaceful demonstrations of citizens," Fariddin Nasriev said. He clarified that the vast majority of active participants in the riots were in a state of drug and alcohol intoxication.

Illegal actions have already been suppressed, Fariddin Nasriev stressed. Currently, investigative measures are being carried out on the events in Karakalpakstan. The results of the investigation will be brought to the attention of the relevant international organisations.

“All actions taken by the Government of Uzbekistan to stabilise the situation in Karakalpakstan are carried out within the legal framework and are primarily aimed at preventing threats to human life and health," Fariddin Nasriev assured.

Uzbekistan is ready for an open dialogue and interaction with the international community

Despite what happened, Uzbekistan will continue the course of reforms, Fariddin Nasriev said:

“We declare that no forces can prevent the Republic of Uzbekistan from consistently continuing the course of democratic reforms and confidently moving towards building and strengthening a humane, legal and social state that cares about the honour and dignity, well-being and interests of every citizen.”

He added that the state is still ready for an open dialogue and interaction with the international community. This also applies to the protection of legitimate interests, human rights and freedoms.

Riots “have been prepared by foreign forces for years”

The riots in Nukus, the capital of the Autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan in Uzbekistan, broke out at 15 o'clock on July 1. It all started with that unplanned processions were arranged around the city. Then the protesters gathered on the territory of the central Dekhkan market and organised an illegal demonstration.

The Uzbek Ministry of Internal Affairs said the unrest arose “as a result of a misinterpretation of constitutional reforms”. President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev believes that the riots “have been prepared by foreign forces for years”.

“Their main goal is to encroach on the territorial integrity of Uzbekistan and create an interethnic conflict," he said.

On July 2, the parliament, the government and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Karakalpakstan reported that a group of organisers of riots in Nukus had been detained.

“In connection with this situation, in order to ensure the rule of law, a criminal case was initiated under part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan," Prosecutor of the Prosecutor General's Office Abror Mamatov said on July 4.

Tatyana Demina

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