Consumer lending plunges almost twice in Tatarstan

Consumer loans for a total of 22,5 billion rubles were granted in Tatarstan from January to April 2022. It is 48,1% less than during the same period last year, calculated the National Bureau of Credit History.

According to the bureau, during the first four months of 2021, the number of consumer loans granted to Tatarstan residents was 43,3 billion rubles. In this indicator, the republic ranked sixth among 30 leading regions in the sum of loans granted.

The biggest dynamics of a fall in the amount of consumer loans granted were registered in Khanty Mansi Autonomous Okrug — the number collapsed by 53,7%, in Perm Krai it did by 51,3%, in Irkutsk Oblast — by 50,8%, in Krasnoyarsk Krai — by 50,5%.

“In general the current situation with consumer loans is similar to that of the quarantine in the spring of 2020. But now the main blow on consumer lending was not in April-May but March-April,” said Marketing Director of the bureau Alexey Volkov.


Generally speaking, according to the data of 4,000 creditors providing information to the National Bureau of Credit History, the number of consumer loans grated in January-April 2022 shrank by 46,1% compared to the same period last year. During the first four months, loans for 740 billion rubles were granted.

As the bureau explained, 17,100 consumer loans were granted in Tatarstan in March 2022, which is 55,4% less compared to February (38,400). The average consumer loan in early spring was 132,565 rubles. Compared to February 2022, it plunged by 45,9% — in late winter, its sum was assessed at 245,005 rubles.

Tatiana Dyomina

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