What anti-COVID-19 measures stay in Tatarstan after masks are cancelled

The Tatarstan coronavirus task force said what requirements would stay in force in the republic after masks were cancelled.

So organisations and sole traders still must daily measure their workers’ temperature and ask if they have symptoms of a respiratory diseases such as runny nose, throat tingling, cough before the workday. Also, people with a high temperature and symptoms of an infectious disease aren’t allowed at work. Moreover, it is necessary to disinfect common places, equipment and surfaces in the workplace and air them once in two hours, provide the possibility of disinfecting the hands.

Wearing medical masks and respirators remains mandatory in health care institution of Tatarstan to prevent the spread of COVID-19. When hospitalising patients, there is still a check-up of a therapist, contactless temperature measurement and oxygen count. In case of medical indications, a lung X-ray or computer tomography is done.

Photo: realnoevremya.ru (archive)

On 6 June, Tatastan Prime Minister Alexey Pesohin signed a decree according to which the mandatory mask losses its force. The document came into force on 7 June. However, the citizens of the republic above 65 and residents with chronic cardiovascular diseases are recommended wearing masks in crowded places. Patients with cancer, pregnant women, patients with obesity and immunodeficiency are also recommended using them regardless of their age.

Daria Akimova

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