1.24m rubles allocated from Tatarstan budget for physical security of educational institutions in 2022

1,24 million rubles have been allocated from the budget of Tatarstan for the physical security of educational institutions with more than 100 students by private security organisations with the corresponding license in 2022. This was told to Realnoe Vremya in the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan.

At the beginning of the academic year, there are 3,435 educational organisations operating in the republic with 3,595 facilities on their balance sheet.

It is noted that all buildings are equipped with an alarm button for transmitting messages to units of the National Guard troops or to the emergency call system by a single number.

  • 76% of buildings are equipped with video surveillance systems.
  • 60% of buildings are equipped with access control and management systems.

Besides, all institutions are equipped with:

  • external lighting, 98% of them meet all the requirements of the supervisory authorities (the rest require additional lighting points);
  • fencing of the territory, 98% meet all requirements (the rest require partial replacement or repair of part of the fencing of the territory).

On May 5, it became known that this year a special security alarm system are going to appear in 154 schools and 304 kindergartens in Kazan. Also, in the capital of Tatarstan, they intend to install and repair fences, gates at 376 objects. 103 schools and 319 kindergartens will have equipment with an emergency warning system in case of an emergency.

On March 21, the mayor's office announced that 1,1 billion rubles will be allocated from the republic's budget for measures to ensure public and anti-terrorist security in Kazan children's educational institutions.

Checkpoints will be installed at the entrance to the territory of 22 schools. Fencing of the territory will be installed and repaired in 186 schools, 7 kindergartens and 13 institutions of additional education. In 53 schools, 140 kindergartens and 22 institutions of additional education, security rooms with a video surveillance system, an alarm system and an alarm button are being equipped on the ground floor. There will be speed limits near 25 more schools and four kindergartens.

On March 9, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Republic Ramil Khairullin said that educational institutions of Tatarstan have many shortcomings in terms of equipment with anti-terrorist security systems.

According to him, a number of institutions do not have an alarm system or an evacuation warning and management system or autonomous means of emergency notification of employees and students. There are also no outdoor lighting, video surveillance or security alarm systems. In some kindergartens and schools, there are no security posts at the main entrances to buildings, turnstiles, gates at the entrance to the facility. One of the main reasons is the lack of funding, Khayrullin stressed.

Maksim Kokunin

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