Precious memory: TAIF-NK commemorates 77th Victory Day anniversary

TAIF-NK JSC has commemorated the 77th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. By tradition, the main celebration in Nizhnekamsk has been held at the Victory Monument. Laying a floral basket at the Eternal Flame, the representatives of the city-forming enterprise honoured the memory of the fallen soldiers with a minute of silence. Then the events continued at the mass grave of the 80th ski battalion. The company's employees paid tribute to the memory of fellow countrymen who died on the war fronts. After lunch, a large and friendly team of employees of TAIF-NK, carrying photos of their relatives, walked along the main streets of Nizhnekamsk, joining the All-Russian campaign “Immortal Regiment”. About how it went — read in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Lest we forget

The main celebration on May 9 in Nizhnekamsk traditionally took place at the Victory Monument. Together with honoured guests — veterans, home front workers, as well as Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan — Minister of Industry and Trade of Tatarstan Albert Karimov and head of the Executive Committee of Nizhnekamsk district Ramil Mullin, Director General of TAIF-NK JSC Maksim Novikov laid flowers at the foot of the Victory Monument and honoured the memory of the fallen soldiers with a minute of silence.

“Victory Day is a special holiday for the whole country. This is a truly people's, valuable and significant day for every person. A celebration of the courage of our people. This day, which unites all Russians, inspires each of us with pride for our fathers and grandfathers. Thank them for the peaceful sky above our heads. We grieve for those who gave the most valuable thing — their lives in the name of us living today," said Maksim Novikov, the director general of TAIF-NK JSC.

A triple salvo of shots in memory of the fallen heroes and 77 pigeons released into the sky became a symbol of peace, joy and, at the same time, an action of mourning for those who gave their most valuable — their lives for the sake of the Great Victory.

“We will always remember the feat performed by our fathers and grandfathers, our great-grandfathers! Every soldier who went through the war, everyone who worked in the rear," Ramil Mullin, the head of the executive committee of the Nizhnekamsk district, noted in his speech.

At the city cemetery, representatives of TAIF-NK JSC honoured the memory of the fallen soldiers of the “Tatar” 80th ski battalion. The remains of the heroes were buried on January 31 in the year of the 75th anniversary of the victory, on the very day when their last battle took place in Pskov Oblast.

Immortal Regiment is a holy tradition!

The march of the Immortal Regiment in Nizhnekamsk, as well as throughout the country, this year has been held in the traditional format after a two-year break due to the coronavirus pandemic. TAIF-NK JSC employees actively supported the nationwide action. Employees of the company with their families took part in the solemn procession, which united everyone, from young to old. Among the participants of the Immortal Regiment, there also was the general director of the company Maksim Novikov, who proudly carried a portrait of his grandfather, veteran of the Great Patriotic War Anatoly Demyanovich Mazilnikov.

Anatoly Demyanovich went to the front at the age of 19. Having got into the 30th Guards Army Cannon Artillery Brigade of the Prague Red Banner Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov, he went through all the hardships of wartime with the rank of senior sergeant. After the end of the war, the brigade in which Anatoly Demyanovich served remained in the city of Potsdam near Berlin on a permanent deployment until 1947, until all troops were withdrawn from Germany.

After returning from service, Anatoly Demyanovich could tell his children and grandchildren stories about military everyday life for hours. But the most vivid impression of that time was April 20, 1945. After capturing the town of Bernau, the 1st Division of the 30th Guards Cannon Artillery Brigade of the 47th Army, under the command of Major Zyukin, fired the first artillery salvo at Berlin at 11.30 am. On this day, by order of Marshal Zhukov, the decisive assault on the capital of Nazi Germany began.

“I am very proud of my grandfather! Fighting for each of us, for his loved ones, for our life and a bright future, he worthily passed the entire war as part of the First Belarusian Front and returned home alive. Later, by his example, he showed us, his children, grandchildren that, despite the difficult post-war years, you can not lose your fighting spirit and, working for the good of the Motherland, be a man with a capital letter!” Maksim Novikov, the director general of TAIF-NK JSC, notes.

For many years, Anatoly Demyanovich participated in the construction of Soviet power plants at the Kuybyshev HPP, Tolyatti CHP, Nizhnekamsk CHP-1, and Perm GRES. He was awarded the Orders of the Red Banner of Labour and Friendship of Peoples.

Galina Preobrazhenskaya, a lead specialist of the labour protection service of TAIF-NK JSC, is proud of her grandfather Dmitry Leontyevich Lavrov. Dmitry Leontyevich enlisted in the army in 1937, then his wife and one-year-old daughter Anna remained at home. He served in the Far East, but just before demobilisation, the war with Japan began, so he went to the border and began commanding a platoon of scouts in the troops of the 1st Far Eastern Front under the command of Marshal Meretskov.

“His daughter Anna, my mother, lives with me," says Dmitry Leontievich's granddaughter Galina Preobrazhenskaya. “We very often remember our hero with kind and warm words. Despite that my grandfather was wounded in battle, he did not leave the battlefield, but led the company's personnel forward, following all the orders of the command. Returning alive from the war, he developed post-war agriculture, working as chairman of the collective farm Ural, while helping to raise the children of his eight dead brothers and sisters. He is a person who causes great respect, pride and recognition," the veteran's granddaughter notes.

In addition to the military awards of Dmitry Leontyevich, the Order of the Red Banner of Labour, the medal “For the Development of Virgin Lands” are carefully kept in the family of Galina Preobrazhenskaya.

In the column of the Immortal Regiment of employees of TAIF-NK JSC, with a proudly raised portrait of his grandfather, the leading administrator of the network of the Information Technology Department, Sergey Nazarov, was walking with his family. His grandfather, platoon commander of the 287th Rifle Regiment, lieutenant of the NKVD troops Nikolay Ivanovich Labutin, kept military operations secret for 50 years, which allowed the Supreme Commander of the USSR to receive prompt and accurate information about the plans of the fascist military leaders. After the war, Nikolay Ivanovich was offered to continue his service in the government guard, but after signing a non-disclosure document, having been wounded, he returned to his native lands.

“By force of duty, our grandfather could not tell us anything about his military routine. But we knew one thing — he was carrying out an important and significant mission in the fight against fascism. For which he has numerous awards and personal gratitude from Stalin. All his love for the Motherland, patriotism and fortitude after the war he instilled in the younger generation, working as a physical education teacher at school. I would very much like young people to remember and honour the memory of all those who, at the cost of their lives, gave us a peaceful sky over our heads," says Sergey Nazarov.

In total, 35 thousand people took part in the Immortal Regiment of Nizhnekamsk. Representatives of very different generations together, shoulder to shoulder, walked with portraits of their heroes, who have their own unique history. Each of the participants of the All-Russian action wanted to preserve the memory of the feat of their ancestors during the Great Patriotic War, to pay tribute to the memory and respect to each participant of the war.

With respect and care

Representatives of TAIF-NK JSC visited sponsored veteran Panfil Grigoryevich Pavlov. One of the Nizhnekamsk heroes, who together with everyone went to the front in 1943 as a 17-year-old boy, for health reasons has not been able to attend solemn city events for several years, so representatives of the company always visit him at home. If for most front-line soldiers the war ended in 1945, then the army service of Panfil Grigoryevich — only five years later. He participated in the Soviet-Japanese War, was awarded the medal “For the Victory over Japan”. In 1950, Panfil Grigorievich could finally get to his native land.

“Unfortunately, our dear veterans are getting fewer every year. Time is running inexorably, but no matter how many years have passed, the war will not leave our memory. The task of the current generation, our task is to preserve the memory of great heroes. Today we came to visit Panfilov Grigorievich to once again express our great gratitude to him and say a big thank you for what we have now, for that they were able to save the great country for us," said Vladimir Gatunok, the assistant director general for general affairs of TAIF-NK JSC.

The representatives of the company came to the veteran bearing gifts. By tradition, they brought a grocery set and helped to update the furniture in his apartment this year. Two years earlier, in honour of the anniversary of the Victory Day, the management of TAIF-NK JSC decided to present a gift to a war veteran in the form of major housing repairs. Then new wallpaper was put up in his apartment, stretch ceilings were installed, the bathroom was repaired, plumbing was updated, the flooring was changed, and the loggia was improved. Now they continue to purchase the necessary interior items.

“Many thanks to TAIF-NK JSC. We feel their care, thank you that they do not forget him and visit him every year. Now Panfilov Grigoryevich is 96 years old, of course, he is losing a little in health, but he is very pleased and happy that he is remembered," says Tatyana, the daughter of a veteran.

An important area of social work of TAIF-NK JSC is the spiritual, moral and patriotic education of young people, the strengthening of family values and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Today, almost no city event of a patriotic orientation is complete without the company's asset. The company attracts not only employees, but also their children to key public events dedicated to significant events or memorable dates. For example, for the younger generation to learn more about the history of their country during the Great Patriotic War, plunge into its heroic past, the management of TAIF-NK JSC organises excursions to the museum of Military Glory of the Neftekhimik search group. Also, for many years the refinery has supported one of the best educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan — the Tatarstan Cadet Corps named after Hero of the Soviet Union Gani Safiullin.

Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War, children of war and home front workers!

Allow me, on behalf of the entire team of TAIF-NK JSC and on my behalf personally, to congratulate you on the state and national holiday — Victory Day!

May 9 is the date of the great soldier's glory and sorrow of the peoples of Russia. On this date, tears of immense pride and simple-hearted joy were merged. Paying tribute to the memory of the fallen countrymen, veterans, veterans who passed away, honouring the living veterans, we understand that thanks to their heroism and courage on the front line, and selfless work in the rear, the Great Victory was achieved. Your courage and patriotism became a model of service to the Motherland. Your wisdom and fortitude, and love of life will illuminate the path of many generations of your countrymen. On this festive day, I wish everyone peace, kindness, health and happiness! Congratulations on Victory Day!

Director General of TAIF-NK JSC M.A. Novikov.

Realnoe Vremya online newspaper

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