Kazan Aircraft Production Association to build 3 Tu-214 aircraft next year

The Kazan Aircraft Production Association, part of Tupolev PJSC, is preparing to produce three Tu-214 aircraft next year. This was announced by Prime Minister of Tatarstan Aleksey Pesoshin during discussions of the report of the government of the republic at a meeting of the State Council.

“There is a programme, but how can it be completed in 2-3 months," he exclaimed. “Of course, it was being prepared, but when there is no quantity or timing in the programme indicators... Now there is the instruction — three aircraft next year, then seven and ten for 2025-2026, with subsequent 20 aircraft at the same time.”

According to him, the fulfillment of this task directly depends on production cooperation with other defenсe enterprises.

“To do this, we need to establish cooperative chains," he said.

Besides, there are gaps in production capacities.

“Despite the large investments in the plant for technical re-equipment under the federal programme, there are 'white spots'," he explained. But he assured that Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov, who became Chairman of the board of directors of Tupolev PJSC, would make the necessary efforts to resume production.

The head of Rostec state corporation, Sergey Chemezov, has recently announced that domestic airlines will begin receiving Tu-214 aircraft, which are assembled in Kazan, in 2024. These airliners are already being supplied. Now there is an increase in production volumes. In addition, two years later, they plan to produce Il-96 aircraft.

Prior to that, it was reported that the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) intends to build 70 Tu-214 aircraft by 2030.

Luiza Ignatyeva

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