Easy way of getting QR code: vaccination with Sputnik Light in Kazan for money

The light version of getting a QR code for money

Since the QR code system started to be used in Tatarstan, the republic’s citizens have started to be interested in the single-dose vaccine Sputnik Light more. And it is logical. It is a simplified way of getting a QR code — the code is available after one shot, not two as it is envisaged in double-dose vaccination.

The Tatarstan Ministry of Health Care told Realnoe Vremya where Kazan citizens can receive a Sputnik Light vaccine for a certain amount of money. However, they reminded us that if a person hadn’t had coronavirus or hadn’t been vaccinated earlier, a double-dose vaccine should still be chosen.

The following health care institutions are ready to vaccinate with the Sputnik Light in Kazan for money:

  • Urban Polyclinic No. 7 (14/67 Fatikh Karim Street);
  • Urban Polyclinic No. 10 (4 Bondarenko Street);
  • Urban Polyclinic No. 18 (72 Karbyshev Street);
  • Urban Polyclinic No. 21 (95 Orenburgsky Trakt);
  • Polyclinic of Urban Hospital No. 18 (2 Mavlyutov Street).

After vaccination, a vaccination certificate is given. Foreigners who don’t have a medical insurance certificate are charged for the procedure. As chief epidemiologist of the Tatarstan Ministry of Health Care Dmitry Lopushov said, the vaccine is 1,200 rubles for them.

Also, Russians and foreigners can receive the vaccine in clinics of the Republican Clinical Dermatology and Venereology Hospital for a charge. The service is provided in a number of medical centres too. Scandinavia, Medel, Erda Medicine, Lyubimy Doctor and Spaseniye are among them.

Tatarstan citizens warned “of such a stupid decision”

However, the desire of getting a QR code in a simple and fast way has been criticised in the Tatarstan office of Russia’s consumer rights protection watchdog. Head of the office Marina Patyashina reminded the citizens that the Sputnik Light was designed for revaccination or vaccination after COVID-19.

“The youth are opting for it, and I would like to warn of such a stupid decision,” the chief sanitary doctor of Tatarstan claimed. According to her, a single-dose vaccine doesn’t replace the full vaccination and doesn’t facilitate the formation of immunity. It is stupid to deprive yourself of protection just to get to a shopping mall and gyms,” Patyashina thinks.

The Sputnik Light was authorised in Russia on 6 May 2021. It became the fourth Russian vaccine against coronavirus. According to the Russian Direct Investment Fund, 28 days after the shot, its efficacy is 79,4%.

As the Tatarstan Ministry of Health Care stressed, foreigners have a priority to be vaccinated with the Sputnik Light. According to the latest data, a total of 1,235 people have been inoculated with this vaccine. Primarily foreigners have been administered this vaccine.

Nowadays 1,337,780 people have been immunised in Tatarstan. 997,521 people of this amount have received the second dose of the vaccine.

The authorities say that such Russian vaccines against coronavirus as the Sputnik V and EpiVacCorona are available for vaccination, while there are problems with the CoviVac. The vaccine is manufactured in one factory, and now it is closed for renovation to expand the capacity. The Ministry of Health Care is urging people not to wait for the CoviVac because the situation isn’t simple. Any authorised vaccine that is in stock can be received.

Tatiana Dyomina

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