Every fourth citizen of Tatarstan believes that it was better on the streets of cities before the advent of electric scooters

Every third Tatarstan citizen polled found himself in a situation where an electric scooter threatened his safety

41,5% of residents of Tatarstan cities experience difficulties and inconveniences due to electric scooters on the streets. Every fourth Tatarstan citizen generally believes that life was better before their mass appearance in cities. This is stated in the study of PromRating agency, which is at the disposal of Realnoe Vremya.

38,8% of the surveyed residents of the republic do not experience difficulties because of scooters. Most often, this type of transport causes dissatisfaction with the weaker sex: 20,6% of the surveyed women and 18,2% of men experience inconvenience. 44,3% of men and 33,6% of women are indifferent.

If you look at the age categories, then people riding scooters most often outrage pensioners (43,8%). Difficulties due to this type of transport arise in 35,9% of respondents from among young people and 39,9% from among middle-aged people.

Fortunately, half of Tatarstan citizens (50,2%) did not find themselves in situations when a person on an electric scooter threatened their safety or the safety of their loved ones. But 27,3% of the surveyed residents of the republic faced similar situations, and most often they were middle-aged people (28%). 27,7% of young people and 24,2% of the elderly told about the threat of electric scooters.

The idea of short-term rental services for electric scooters is positively assessed by 29,3% of respondents, and negatively — by 25,9% (11,5% answered “rather negatively”, 14,4% — “negatively”). 35,4% of men and 23,6% of women are positive about the services. Also, almost half of Tatarstan residents perceive an electric scooter as a means for entertainment or recreation (48,9% of respondents, including 41,2% of men and 37,5% of women). 39,1% consider an electric scooter to be a vehicle.

According to the residents of the republic, separate zones should be organised in cities for moving on them, restrict access to electric scooters to drunk people and persons under 18 years of age, introduce liability for drivers of this vehicle, prohibit two or more people from moving on it, prohibit spontaneous parking of scooters (especially near stops), equate electric scooters to mopeds.

How Tatarstan experienced the invasion of electric scooters

On Sunday, the Russian Interior Ministry reported that that in Russia during seven months the number of accidents involving electric scooters has increased by 66%, and the number of deaths in them has increased fourfold. At the same time, Tatarstan was the fourth in the list of regions where accidents with them occurred. There have been 12 such cases in the republic. St. Petersburg (58), Moscow (55) and Krasnodar Krai (21) were among the three leaders in such incidents.

Last summer, Tatarstan doctors sounded the alarm due to an increase in the number of injuries sustained due to electric scooters. Chief traumatologist of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Tatarstan, head of the City Clinical Hospital No. 16 Vladimir Belyakov said that among the most severe injuries are fractures of the proximal femur, spine and craniocerebral injuries. Moreover, from the beginning of the year to August 19, the Children's Republican Clinical Hospital received 168 children who were injured while riding a scooter. Fifty-nine children were admitted to the reception and diagnostic department: 14 of them were run over by scooters, 45 were driven by themselves. Eleven children had to be hospitalised.

Due to the invasion of electric scooters, the authorities of Kazan adopted the rules for using this type of transport. Speed limits of electric scooters up to 10-15 km/h were set in 60 zones of the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, 16 sites where their parking did not comply with traffic regulations and the rules of improvement of Kazan were eliminated, a complete ban on their movement was established on nine sections of the road network. Besides, the city approved a scheme for placing a seasonal network of electric scooter rental points. The authorities of Naberezhnye Chelny also established the rules for electric scooters.

Tatyana Leukhina

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