Coronavirus raises second wave of cancellation of concerts and plays

The orchestra’s chief conductor and art director’s disease, closure of theatres in other cities and borders of countries are the reason

The postponement and cancellation of plays, performances of stars in Kazan began in late September already, but they became widespread by the middle of October. Now it is reasonable to ask organisers when you’re going to a play or concert if it will really take place and find out it on the website of a theatre or concert hall. However, as Realnoe Vremya’s correspondent was told in box offices, a lot of Kazan citizens are already refusing to buy tickets beforehand, allegedly to avoid problems with a possible refund.

Conductor from Saint Petersburg to replace Renat Salavatov

Rezeda Akhiyarova’s opera Syuyumbike in the M. Jalil Tatar Academy Opera and Ballet Theatre was cancelled first. The news became known on 11 October, on the performance day. An announcement was published on the website of the theatre: “Due to the conductor’s disease and the impossibility of replacing him, Syuyumbike plays on 11 and 12 October are cancelled”. The administration also said that the tickets could be returned from 20 October.

It isn’t revealed what disease the chief conductor of the theatre had. Fans immediately wondered if the long-awaited staging of The Golden Horde dedicated to choreographer Georgy Kovtun’s jubilee would be cancelled. It was scheduled for 17 and 18 October, all tickets to Akhiyarova’s ballet were already sold out. As the press service of the opera and ballet theatre said, his colleague from Saint Petersburg arrived to help the director who fell ill — Vladimir Rylov. He was going to conduct the orchestra during the jubilee performances.

The master’s disease and closed borders

It became known on 15 October about the cancellation of La Primavera orchestra’s concert due to art director and conductor Rustem Abyazov’s disease. The master isn’t hiding he tested positive for COVID-19, this is why the event scheduled for 25 October was cancelled 10 days in advance. It is interesting that precisely the concert Tatar Stars from European Stages was already put off once. It was to be at L’arte del Arco festival as early as in spring. However, the organisers had the time to just open the festival that at the same time became its closure because self-isolation was announced.

As the press service of the orchestra said, the concert was cancelled, not postponed, because artists from Canada and Denmark would unlikely be able to cross the border any time soon. However, there is hope that performances will take place in the next season. Now, the tickets can be returned to the box office.

Young Spectator's Theatre won’t go to Volgograd

Kazan had exchange tours with the Volgograd Young Spectator's Theatre these days. The artists managed to arrive in Kazan by their own bus, tests for COVID-19 they did before the trip turned out negative. The Kazan Young Spectator's Theatre hosted the tour recently, it ended on Sunday, 18 October. However, our artists won’t be able to pay a return visit this year like it was planned. The case is that all theatres in Volgograd closed at the moment because of a worse epidemiological situation.

Month- or year-long cancellation, substitution and postponement

A lot of theatres are replacing their plays announced on posters in advance for others. One should certainly have a look at the updated billboard before a visit. The Karim Tinchurin, Galiaskar Kamal Theatre, Vasily Kachalov Theatre, Bulak Theatre have replaced or cancelled plays due to technical reasons. Basiani Ensemble of Georgian Folk Singing won’t come to the Saydashev Big Concert Hall this year. The concert scheduled for 23 October was postponed until 24 October 2021.

Moreover, a lot of stars are also cancelling their tours to Kazan. So the star of Club of the Funny and Witty People comedy show and OSP. Studio Mikhail Shats who was going to perform in Stand Up Club Kazan on 18 October didn’t come. His visit is put off until 15 November. A concert of music oppositionists, Russian group Shortparis planned on 27 October at Werk art space is also postponed, the date will be announced later.

Singer Slava turned out to be the most farsighted person. She was going to present her programme Soul Cry at Pyramid on 19 November but will come only on 9 April 2021.

By Anna Tarletskaya

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