Timely support: Nizhnekamskneftekhim handing over tablets to large families

NKNK provided the workers who have over four children with gadgets that are so necessary for online education

Nizhnekamsk schools as well as educational establishments across the country have switched to online education. Not all large families turned out to be ready to such a turn. The absence of a computer has influenced the quality of education, homework. Understanding the complexity of the situation, Nizhnekamskneftekhim supported families of the employees who bring up four and more children. The children were presented tablets with sweets and food baskets. The presents were given meeting all safety measures during the quarantine measures that were taken.

Six schoolchildren in family

The Mustayevs family has nine children. The eldest daughter is 23 years old, the youngest is 1,5. The head of the family works as a shop mechanic at Nizhnekamskneftekhim. His spouse Gulnara is on maternity leave. According to the woman, the family lives in harmony, quarrels break out only because of the computer, which isn’t enough for everybody.

“Our family has six schoolchildren. Everybody needs a working space with equipment. We can’t buy a computer for every child, you know. It is very expensive. The children use telephones, the computer is shared between them on weekdays,” said mother of many children Gulnara Mustayeva said.

“I sit at the computer once in three-four days. I do my homework on my telephone, I have to wait for my turn to do some tasks of the teacher,” eight-year-old Timur said.

During these tough times, Nizhnekamskneftekhim gave the Mustayevs a helping hand. A delegation of the enterprise consisting of volunteers and the trade union’s workers went around to them to give the children a tablet, sweets, two food baskets and medical masks. The packages were given in the corridor not to subject the family to the risk of contracting COVID-19. They all had gloves and medical masks on.

“I wish your family health, well-being. We tried to make sure that this uneasy period passes with as few losses as possible for the educational programme. We hope that the tablet will help to improve the quality of education,” Yelena Velik, deputy chairwoman of Nizhnekamskneftekhim’s trade union committee, addressed the large family.

“Many thanks for the support, we are very pleased. We always feel your care,” Sergey Mustayev thanked in reply.

“Another tablet was what we needed”

The large Akhmetshins family has received the support from Nizhnekamskneftekhim too. Ravil Akhmetshin has been working as a maintenance technician in the butyl rubber plant for over 20 years, he has four children. They are all studying online nowadays and do need a computer.

“Here you have our food baskets, chak-chak is for the parents, a cake and tablet are for the children,” exclaimed Oleg Shumkov, head of the Department on Youth Affairs at Nizhnekamskneftekhim, when handing the presents over.

“Many thanks, another tablet was what we needed. Now there won’t be any problems with learning. You always make time for us, you don’t forget us, support in difficult times,” father of many Ravil Akhmetshin replied with gratitude.

The children also thanked the Nizhnekamskneftekhim employees for the attention paid and promised to receive high marks.

“I have been working in the enterprise for 15 years and always feel the support”

Children of Nizhnekamskneftekhim operator Elmira Davletshina have got a new tablet. She has four children. The eldest daughter studies in the medical college, the middle one is a sixth-grader, during lessons the girls are sharing it.

“When my lesson ends, I give the laptop to my sister. When her lesson is over, she gives it back to me. So we are exchanging it all day long,” said 12-year-old Galiya Davletshina.

Galia’s parents would be glad to buy their daughter a tablet for lessons, but the family doesn’t have extra money.

“We are presenting you a tablet so that you can study at school well. You can open the box, have look at what there is inside. Now you will have enough equipment, there aren’t supposed to be problems with learning. We are also presenting sweets and food baskets. The package contains medical masks so that you won’t be at risk in public places,” said Yelena Velik, deputy chairwoman of Nizhnekamskneftekhim’s trade union committee.

“I am saying many thanks to Nizhnekamskneftekhim from our large united family. I have been working in the enterprise for 15 years and always feel the support. Many thanks,” the mother of many children thanked her colleagues.

“Hurrah, this is the best present”

The Nizhnekamskneftekhim delegation also visited the family of operator Sergey Markushin. He is a father of four daughters and a son. According to the man, online learning wasn’t easy. There are failures of the Internet, while a telephone doesn’t allow completely diving into the learning process.

“Learning is awful. And it isn’t learning. Three of our children study at school, another two are students, while there is one computer in the house for all. They have to use telephones, the quality of learning is suffering,” upset Sergey Markushin said.

This is why the new tablet came in handy in this family too.

“Hurrah,” fifth-grader Timur didn’t contain his emotions and tightly held the box in his arms, “It is the best present. I have been dreaming of it for long”.

“Stay healthy, take care of yourselves. Nizhnekamskneftekhim always cares about the interests of our employees’ families. Call us, we are always in touch, we will help,” Oleg Shumkov, head of the Department on Youth Affairs at Nizhnekamskneftekhim, told the father.

Two days — 20 families

Another three fathers of many children received the presents in the trade union’s building, without leaving their workplace. Vice Director General in Staff and Social Affairs at Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC Rodion Bulashov handed over the tablets and food baskets to the large families.

“The times are tough now, life has made us such a surprise as coronavirus when schoolchildren are studying online, while not everybody has technical possibilities for this. Understanding how hard it is when four and even five children are studying online at home, Ayrat Safin was pleased and supported a decision to buy and hand gadgets out. Let’s stay together. We will defeat this virus only together,” Rodion Bulashov addressed his employees.

The trade union is actively helping in this situation.

“Nowadays the company is taking a lot of preventive measures to save Nizhnekamskneftekhim employees’ lives and health. TAIF GC is making a huge contribution to this. Now all employees of the company are provided with masks, we are already handing them out to the citizens, social services. The campaign of good deeds began in the company a long time ago. We have supported our respected veterans, participants in the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, 1st and 2nd degree disabled people, we’ve provided them with food baskets, medical masks. Now we are paying a lot of attention to large families. We handed over 10 tablets first, then we delivered the present to another seven families. We wish them to stay healthy, success, to meet all requirements that are necessary to avoid the spread of the infection,” noted Chairman of the trade union Fanis Murtazin in his address to the audience.

Within two days, Nizhnekamskneftekhim presented the tablets to 20 large families, those who especially needed the enterprise’s support. By the way, for this purpose, the employees of the company and handed out over 70,000 medical masks to Nizhnekamsk citizens.

Affiliate report

By Liliya Yegorova. Photo courtesy of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC

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