Air ionisers, strict temperature measurement and disinfection of checkpoints every 15 minutes

During the spread of COVID-19, Kazanorgsintez is creating safe working conditions

The coronavirus infection incidence is rapidly growing in Tatarstan. The hotspot was found in one of the enterprises in Naberezhnye Chelny where 14 people were infected. The penetration of the severe virus to factories can become a serious problem for the industry. To protect its main resource, officials of Kazanorgsintez shifted some staff to telecommuting when the infection began to spread. The others were created working conditions with the highest health protection. Read in Realnoe Vremya’s report more about all nuances of production activity of Kazanorgsintez during the spread of the dangerous disease on a global scale.

Power of prevention measures

Kazanorgsintez PJSC is one of the core enterprises with non-stop production flow and can’t afford to stop production during the coronavirus pandemic. Having reinforced safety measures many times, KOS doesn’t stop working. A series of restrictive measures have been introduced since 6 March already when the first risk of spread of the coronavirus infection in Russia arose.

The employees’ movement on the territory of Kazanorgsintez has been restricted since 16 March. Visits of third persons to production shops reduced too. Business trips of the enterprise’s workers were cancelled, while communication with foreign partners is maintained via teleconference. At the same time, the employees are advised not to leave Russia during the holiday. Those who couldn’t avoid a trip abroad were in 14-day quarantine upon return.

The further, the more. The medical and sanitary staff switched to a special regime, there was given a special room with a separate entrance to receive people with symptoms of flu and viruses. All social facilities of Kazanorgsintez suspended their operation in late March too — the swimming pool, health resort, Sunny, Shelanga and Observatory recreational camps. Their activity will renew after the special regime is cancelled.

Regular indoor disinfection

The enterprise keeps manufacturing products during the pandemic. Moreover, some day staff whose duties can be performed remotely began telecommuting. The other employees were provided with necessary means of individual protection, antiseptics in the workplace. The employees who work directly in the factory are working according to a schedule established by every subdivision to provide a non-stop and effective manufacturing process. The enterprise strengthened prevention of the spread of COVID-19.

Offices and production shops are regularly disinfected. Turnstiles and checkpoint frames, through which over 3,000 employees every day, are disinfected every 15 minutes at rush hour and no less than once in 30 minutes when it is calmer. The entrances are provided with thermal imaging.

Moreover, a new order of the employees’ temperature measurement on the spot has been introduced. Now the workers who are responsible for this job will take the staff’s temperature every four hours. 150 contactless pyrometers (infrared thermometer) that were sent to the subdivisions were purchased for this purpose. The person who is responsible for temperature measurement is obliged to register all data in a record book. In case a body temperature above 37 degrees and more is detected, the worker is sent either to the polyclinic or the enterprise’s health post.

Dispensers to disinfect hands were placed in the enterprise’s offices. The employees are recommended to air the rooms three times a day, wipe the surface of tables, phones, computers and other equipment. The staff is wearing means of individual protection — masks — in the workplace.

According to the WHO, the coronavirus lives on the surface for several hours or even days. And it is enough to touch an infected door handle or switch to get infected. This is why wet cleaning is done before every trip inside shuttles. In the transport shop, they are carefully disinfected with Indibac solution five times a day — before every trip.

To compensate for the consequences of a decision made by urban authorities — to limit the timetable of urban public transport, including buses going to Kazanorgsintez — the enterprise changed routes and timetable of its shuttles. There were added several trips so that the workers of the enterprise could easily go to Kazanorgsintez and go back home.

Active air cleaning system against microbes and viruses

What’s more, amid the alarming epidemiological situation, Kazanorgsintez made a decision to purchase new industrial active air cleaning systems. Now 27 air cleaning systems are already operating in the operators’ room in the ethylene plant as well as in some offices of the factory management. It is planned to provide the operators’ room in all plants and big offices with air ionisers. The enterprise will receive another 40 units for this purpose.

Fixed industrial autonomous active air cleaning systems allow servicing areas up to 700 and 300 square metres. Mobile analogues of this system were purchased for the offices.

The principle of action of cleaners is based on a combination of high-intensity UVX light with a matrix covered with a hydrophilous shell made of rare-earth metals. When air goes through it, the matrix creates hydroperoxides (HO) that spread across the area. The air and surfaces in the room are cleaned with the help of absolutely harmless components in the presence of people.

The active air cleaning systems are more effective than passive ultraviolet lamps too, whose impact weakens at a distance, and any recirculators, which solve the problem only inside. Ionisers can destroy microbes, viruses, mould, fungi in the air and on surfaces. At the same time, volatile organic compounds oxidise to safe water and carbon dioxide vapours.

Supporting measures during pandemic

Kazanorgsintez has increased its care about the older generation. The trade union and volunteers of the enterprise have united with the administration of Kirov and Moscow Districts in Kazan. They are delivering them necessary products and medication on veterans’ request.

In addition, the public catering service is preparing food baskets with delivery to the doorstep to those employees of the enterprise who have to stay in strict quarantine or don’t leave their house or flat because of their own will.

Regular wet cleaning with disinfection is regularly done in the canteens, multiple-use dishware and cutlery have been replaced for single-use plastic ones. There has appeared a marking on the floor in every canteen to keep a distance in the queue. And up to four workers can be in the canteens at once.

During the tough period of the coronavirus pandemic, Kazanorgsintez continues providing the operation of the oil, gas and chemical complex of the republic with its work, meeting interests and safety of its employees.

By Yekaterina Kharitonova. Photo: Vladimir Tunik

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