Kazan Kremlin about Moscow-Kazan toll road: “We are not the only ones interested in this project”

The leadership of the republic hopes to wait for the final decision from the Russian government

The decision of Maksim Oreshkin to focus on the reconstruction of M7 Route following his trip to Togliatti does not mean that they have given up on the construction of the toll road Moscow-Kazan. So they believe in the Kazan Kremlin: “We, in any case, did not hear that he said that we would not be engaged in the construction of a new road,” Lilia Galimova revealed the position of the authorities of the republic. Also at the briefing, the conversation turned to the fate of the Asadullayev’s house in Moscow, the developers; transfer to project financing and the recent incident — the bus accident in Bashkortostan and the mass food poisoning of children in Crimea. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

There was no refusal

Lilia Galimova was asked to comment on the reaction of the Kazan Kremlin to the decision of Maksim Oreshkin — to do primarily the reconstruction of the M7. It turned out that the Kazan Kremlin does not lose hope for the construction of the Moscow-Kazan toll highway: “When he [Oreshkin] said that it was necessary to reconstruct the M7, we, in any case, did not hear that he said that we would not be engaged in the construction of the new road,” said Galimova.

The republic assesses the situation so that the issue is put on pause, not cancelled: Galimova noted that so far the highway is not the priority plan and once again stressed that the appearance of this route is also very interesting for other regions through which this road will run:

“The road affects a large number of regions in the densely populated part of the country, so not only we are interested in this project. When there was a meeting with Mr Oreshkin, the president also talked a lot about the need to separate passenger and cargo flows. I think the minister had a chance to assess how busy the highway was when he was driving here. And more efficient use of the area, which is available for freight transportation, including, because it is more cost-effective and efficient to transport a thousand kilometres, it is a distance from Moscow to Kazan.”

“We hope that our arguments will be heard, and we are waiting for the final decision of the government of the Russian Federation on this issue. Of course, we are both for the reconstruction of M7 and for the toll highway. We will look at the final decision of the government,” she again stressed.

Minister of Economic Development of Russia Maksim Oreshkin left Moscow driving a Lada XRay crossover to the forum-meeting on the development of single-industry towns in Togliatti last Friday. He was driving himself; his route passed through Kazan, where he met with President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov. The trip was to decide the fate of the construction of the toll road running through the republic — the Kremlin on the eve of the trip said that they hope very much for a decision in favour of the toll road, but as a result of the trip, Oreshkin said that the M7 track contains areas that need reconstruction:

“We will deal with the existing route M7. We will discuss this with the prime minister at a meeting. There are not very good pieces, the car almost had a puncture,” said then Oreshkin. He responded not very flattering about the roads: “There are not very good ones.”

Affected children in Crimea under the control of Udachina

“As of this morning, according to the ministry of health of the Crimea, in hospital there are 52 children and five youth leaders. Two more children were admitted, but they had a mild degree of severity, they were examined and sent back to the camp, hospitalization was not needed. Everyone's on the mend.”

The president keeps under control the situation with acute intestinal disease of children in the camp Luchistiy in Crimea, said Galimova. 49 children, 47 of whom came from Tatarstan, as well as five youth leaders, found themselves in the infectious diseases hospital. Almost immediately they were visited by Commissioner for Children's Rights Guzel Udachina — she was here on a planned trip on behalf of Minnikhanov to inspect the condition of the camps outside Tatarstan, where children come from the republic, including in Anapa and Crimea. Later, she was joined by Minister of Youth Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan Damir Fattakhov.

Other topics

On 19 July, Minnikhanov met with participants of the International educational forum Summer Campus of the Presidential Academy — this project has been implemented since 2012 with the support of Ranepa and is held in the republic. Over the years, 1,874 Russian and foreign students took part in it, and this year 201 students have participated, although on average more than 300 people take part annually, Galimova said. The theme of the campus is innovations and trends in the design of thematic and urban spaces, the development of socio-cultural environment, the introduction of digital and robotic technologies.

The president held the second meeting with developers and banks on 19 July, which was focused on the transition to project financing. The president personally oversees the process of transfer to the escrow account. As of July 11, 85 developers operate, who are building 227 apartment buildings. Out of 18 banks that are authorized to work with escrow accounts, only 10 are working with developers. They are considering 82 objects, 104 applications. 34 out of them have been submitted to several banks because of the complexity of the applications. The developers have already mentioned what difficulties they face when working under the new rules: the lack of personnel who would be able to work under the new scheme, and the lack of a single list of documents — each bank requires its own package of documents, which seriously delays the timing, shared Galimova.

According to the Moscow house of Asadullayev, around which there are legal disputes, the representative of the Kremlin said that the president had been informed. “To date, we do not see a problem in the judicial part. There is an expectation that everything will end soon. We are not ready yet to comment on financing. Of course, we are interested in preserving the object, it is very important, and we do not want to lose it against the background of the conflict, in this situation. It is too early to name the amount, but we reserve the house, in the sense that we are considering the issues associated with claims that have arisen in the course of judicial proceeding. The house is ours.”

The issue of assistance to the families of those killed in Bashkiria in the accident with tourists from Naberezhnye Chelny will be taken over by the municipal authorities. Six people killed out of 39 passengers, the tragedy occurred on July 14. The bus belongs to the transport company Alteks Group PLC, the driver was sent under arrest. Galimova thanked the Bashkir colleagues for the transportation of dead bodies in Tatarstan.

By Leysan Nabieva

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