''We need to increase a salary to civil servants, then they will work without corruption and in the interests of the people''

Rosstat has calculated the salary of regional officials — in Orenburg Oblast they earn more than in Tatarstan

Rosstat has calculated how much civil servants earn in the subjects of Russia. The average salary in regional ministries and departments is 63,000 rubles, in territorial divisions of the federal structures — one and a half times less. Experts believe that these statistics — no more than ''the average temperature in the hospital''; the backbone of the civil service are middle and junior professionals whose income is far from the income of managers. Tatarstan is the 5th in the Volga Federal District in terms of salaries of officials. But the republic is a leader in growth — over the year the income of ''servants of the people'' has increased by 21 per cent.

Russian regions are suffering from a shortage of officials?

Although Russia is considered to be a country of officials, but, according to Rosstat, it still has room to grow. There are 691,8 thousand regional officials in Russia, of the municipal level — 299,800. That is, it turns out that one official accounts for every 140 inhabitants of the country.

Most officials are in Moscow (45,700 excluding federal), they are followed by Krasnodar Krai (28,800), Moscow Oblast (26,800) and St. Petersburg (22,900). In the whole Volga Federal District — 162,700 officials. The top three districts by their number includes Nizhny Novgorod Oblast (19,500 people), Bashkortostan (19,100) and Tatarstan (17,600).

The staffing of officials in the regions is 92,3 per cent. The largest deficit is in the units of the federal executive bodies – 90,8%, and the most densely staffed are the courts of regional subordination and the prosecutor's office – 97,1%.

The shortage of personnel in the territorial divisions of federal state institutions can be explained by salary. According to Rosstat, it is one and a half times lower than that of their colleagues working in regional ministries and departments. If the first on average receive 43,000 rubles a month, the second — 63,000. Municipal clerks earn about 42,000 rubles a month.

The salary was calculated on the principle of ''average temperature''

In the context of the branches of government, the picture is as follows: the largest amounts are ''in the pockets'' of representatives of the legislature — 72,500 rubles a month. They are followed by officials of regional ministries — 65,900 rubles. The third are divisions of federal institutions of the executive power — 44,500 rubles. And there is no justice in relation to representatives of the third branch of power — judicial — they receive about 37,000 rubles a month.

''We have several levels of officials. There are specialists of the third category in the ministries of not the first level, for example, the ministry of culture, and their salaries are low. In fact, that is why there is a shortage of people for benchmark positions, who, by the way, are often faced with the population. How do they work for this money and do they work at all? Of course, officials of the highest rank will have other salaries, in addition to them are added different surcharges and official privileges — apartments and cars,'' says Director of the Centre for Analytical Research and Development, Candidate of Sociological Sciences Alexey Konnov.

According to Konnov, the salary of the official in Crimea in the position of the deputy head of the department makes 18,000 rubles. ''We can say that this is only a salary, and there also is a bonus in the amount of salary — it is already 36,000, but the premiums are not monthly. There are, of course, departments that do not get it in the neck very often, they can have bonuses of 100,000 quarterly and monthly. So it turns out the average temperature in the hospital.''

In Orenburg, civil servants receive more than in Tatarstan

In the regions of the Volga Federal District, the salaries of employees of regional departments of the federal authorities are about the same — about 38,000 rubles. But in the ministries and departments of local subordination the picture is not so uniform. The largest average wages in Orenburg Oblast — 60,000 rubles, the second — Nizhny Novgorod — 58,000, the third and fourth places are shared by Samara and Ufa – 57,000. Tatarstan occupies the 5th place with 55,000 rubles.

The last position is taken by Kirov Oblast, where the average salary of a regional official is 35,000 rubles. In Saratov Oblast, where the minister said that ''pasta everywhere cost the same'' and it is real to live for a pensioner on 3,500 rubles, officials receive an average of 38,000 rubles.

In municipal authorities, it is most profitable to work in Bashkortostan, where they receive 42,000 rubles, in Nizhny Novgorod Oblast — 39,000, the 3rd are Tatarstan and Samara with an average salary of 38,000 rubles. Less all receive municipalities in Kirov Oblast, Mari El and Chuvashia — 25,000 rubles.

''Civil servants should receive a salary in the amount of the average for the region. For federal civil servants, as in Moscow on average, these are the rules that have been adopted. In the civil service there are groups — highest, main, leading, senior and junior. Since the main positions are close to the ''emperor'', there is a huge difference in salary between the first two and the other three. And the most deprived are just senior and junior positions, at which in 90 percent of cases there work women,'' Viktor Nechiporenko, the processor of chair of social conflictology at the department of national security of Ranepa.

Nechyporenko stands up for ordinary civil servants — according to him, it is necessary to reduce their number, but to increase wages.

''Polls of civil servants showed that a third give answers that they do not have enough money not only on clothes, but also on food. Do you have any idea what kind of mood they're in? It is necessary to increase the salary to civil servants, then they will work without corruption, with pleasure and in interests of the people,'' Nechyporenko considers.

''Of course, officials of the highest rank will have other salaries, in addition to them they are added with different surcharges and privileges — apartments and cars,'' says Director of the Centre for Analytical Research and Development, Candidate of Sociological Sciences Alexey Konnov.'' Photo: Roman Khasaev

Salaries of fficials increased by 20 per cent, of population — by 10 per cent

According to Rosstat, the rule ''the salary of an official is equal to the average for the region'' is not observed everywhere. More often, the servants of the people receive more than ''the people'', and their wages are growing faster than that of ordinary population. In Tatarstan, Mordovia and Bashkortostan, the salaries of regional officials increased by 20 per cent over the year. The average salary of citizens who do not work in state service increased by 8-10 per cent. Here it should be noted that the average salary in the region takes into account the incomes of senior officials, and if you do not take them into account, the real average wages will be even lower.

The highest salaries of officials, as well as in general in the country — in the north, the smallest — in the regions of the North Caucasus. In Moscow, the staff of territorial offices of the federal executive authorities get 58,000 rubles, and their colleagues from the regional authorities — 113,000, representatives of municipal authorities — 93,000 rubles. The average salary in the city — 104,000.

Earlier, Rosstat published information about the salary of federal officials. They receive much more than their colleagues in the regions. For example, the average salary in the territorial divisions of the National Guard of Russia is 28,000 rubles, and in the head office — 101,000. In the regional Roszdravnadzor they receive 42,000, and in the federal — 86,000 rubles, tax officials — 50,000 and 144,000 rubles, respectively, in the Emercom — 47,000 and 144,000. respectively.

By Daria Turtseva

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