Tatarstan instructed to find 60k self-employed by the end of the year

The voluntary tax regime is turning into a compulsory one, the administrative resource will be involved

The Tatarstan State Statistics Service (Tatarstanstat) and the Committee for Socio-Economic Monitoring conducted a joint board meeting in Kazan on 25 January. The work of the organizations has increased — now they have to count the self-employed. The voluntary tax regime is becoming compulsory. It turned out that Tatarstan has been set the task to register at least 60,000 self-employed. If the arguments about the need to legalize the business does not help, then the administrative resource will be used — the heads of cities and districts hinted that the tax is local and they are financially interested to bring as much as possible ''moms with cakes'' out of the shadow economy.

Heads of municipalities will look for self-employed

The new tax regime for ''mothers with cakes'', announced as voluntary, seems to be turning into compulsory. On 25 January, Deputy Prime Minister Rustam Nigmatullin announced interesting figures at the joint board meeting of Tatarstan State Statistics Service and the Committee for Socio-Economic Monitoring. For Tatarstan, as a pilot region, the ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation has set the indicator – to find 60,000 registrations by the end of the year.

''Today 1,500 people are registered, it is important that these people exist in the legal tax field,'' Nigmatullin designated the achieved results.

Tatarstan needs to frantically find another 58,500 people to report to the federal centre. Chairman of the Committee for Socio-Economic Monitoring Valery Kandilov motivated the heads of local administrations in this financially.

The statistics of Kandilov is at odds with the statistics of Nigmatullin. According to the Committee for Socio-Economic Monitoring on January 25, 900 people were registered as self-employed. Photo:

''The most important thing is that taxes remain in municipality — it is a motive for the heads of administrations to join in this work,'' Valery Kandilov told.

However, the statistics of Kandilov is at odds with the statistics of Nigmatullin. According to the Committee for Socio-Economic Monitoring on January 25, 900 people were registered as self-employed.

''The fight against poverty has failed many countries''

The meeting of Tatstat also reported on the latest statistics for the year 2018. The residents of Tatarstan have switched to a healthy diet — more meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, less-bread and potatoes. According to one statistics, the life in Tatarstan is not bad — the income per capita amounted to 32,065 rubles. On the other — not very good: the average salary – 34,194 rubles.

Speaking about the average salary, the head of the Territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of Tatarstan, Natalia Gataullina, noted that this figure is criticized and fairly called ''the average temperature in a hospital'', but such is the methodology of calculation, and perhaps in 2019 they will develop another, which will take into account the profession and position.

23,4% of medium and large businesses (excluding banks and insurance companies) finished the year with losses (60688,4 billion rubles), the rest reported on profits of 417099,2 million rubles.

Speaking about the average salary, Natalia Gataulina noted that this figure is criticized and fairly called ''the average temperature in a hospital'', but such is the methodology of calculation. Photo:

The poverty rate in Tatarstan is 7,2% — the lowest in Russia, half of those living below the poverty line are families with three or more children, and another third are families with children under 3 years.

''Maybe I am going to say a seditious thing, but the fight against poverty has failed many countries. The state sets the task to reduce the number of poor people through subsidies and so on, but the experience of developed countries shows that there appears a layer of people who do not want to work, study, they are satisfied with living on subsidies — it is a dangerous thing,'' said Chairman of the State Council Committee on Economy, Investment and Entrepreneurship Marat Galeev.

Puzzles do not put together

Galeev noted that the full picture of the socio-economic situation of the country is hampered by the missing statistics data. Many indicators are not taken into account at the regional level:

''Let's take the federal budget — it is surplus. All reports of our politicians say that the financial situation in the country is excellent, and the example of a surplus is given. But what is behind the federal budget surplus? Deficit of regional and municipal budgets. And the ambitious goals are set amid the absence of these data, they are set to the regions that think how to do it and where to get resources?''

Galeev also criticized the indicator such as the dynamics of gross product.

''When the dynamics of the gross product is provided by financing from the state budget — so you can live for a while. If the military industry develops, more raw materials are extracted, salaries are paid — everything seems to be fine, but it is paid from the budget. So you can live for a while – it creates an illusion of growth, but then it becomes simply impossible, and the absolute figure of gross product is not very correctly reflects the real situation in the economy.''

According to Nigmatullin, sometimes it is still useful to look at the component of GRP. Photo:

Isn't that why there was no data on GRP in the releases distributed to journalists? According to information from other boards, in 2018 it amounted to 2,2 trillion rubles. According to Nigmatullin, sometimes it is still useful to look at the component of GRP. According to him, Tatarstan is the 7th in Russia after Sverdlovsk Oblast. This humiliating result for the republic — to be after someone,'' Nigmatullin explained that in Sverdlovsk Oblast there are defence plants that have a large state order. The main drivers of Tatarstan is mining and petrochemical industry.

By Daria Turtseva

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