Tatarstan oncologist complains to Putin about pressure from superiors

More than 100 colleagues of the doctor were ready to hold a gathering in front of the clinic in his support, but they were prohibited to, he says

Another medical scandal in 2018 — doctor-endoscopist of the Republican Clinical Oncology Centre (RCOD) Artur Gubaydullin in a video message criticized the leadership of the Republican Oncology Centre. The doctor was fired for accepting a patient without an outpatient card: a woman suddenly felt ill, and the doctor examined her without unnecessary red tape. Later, the court restored the oncologist at work, but now he complains that he is still under pressure at work. The RCOD, in turn, states that they were ready for a constructive resolution of all the issues. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

A meeting in support of the doctor

Endoscopist Artur Gubaydullin, who has worked in the Tatarstan cancer centre for 24 years, fears that he again can lose his job. The medic posted a video on the Internet addressing to Putin, Prosecutor General, heads of the investigative committee and ministry of health, where he complained ''about the illegal actions of the leadership of the RCOD in the person of chief doctor Khidiyatov Ilgiz'', as well as some of his deputies. According to the doctor, the clinic is supported by many colleagues, more than 100 people were even ready to go for a kind of rally in front of the clinic. But it did not work out — the reception said that the gathering was cancelled, and the doctors added that they were forbidden to gather. The head of the social marketing department of the RCOD, Lidia Efimova, also said that there was no gathering, but who banned — did not specify.

The conflict between the leadership of the oncology center and Gubaydullin began in late summer last year. According to the doctor, a certain Rinat Khatybovich, whom he had known for more than 10 years as a man allegedly from the team of the minister of health of the Republic of Tatarstan, came to him during an appointment reception. The day before he showed the doctor the certificate of the assistant to deputy Marat Sadykov, though the minister already in February ahead of schedule resigned powers of the people's deputy. But about this discrepancy Gubaydullin learned only later.

''He approached me, said that a person was feeling bad. I asked if I could see her. A young lady comes in, bending over. She already had an ultrasound protocol,'' says Artur Gubaydullin.

As soon as the doctor examined the woman and prescribed treatment, a security officer of the RCOD entered the office and said that the reception was held without an outpatient card, which is strictly prohibited. The explanation that the young woman, who was accompanying a relative, suddenly felt sick, was not taken into account. Andreeva demanded an explanation from Gubaydullin, his nurse and ultrasound doctor. The next day, the doctors were summoned to the chief physician, where all the heads except the head of the endoscopic department gathered. Gubaydullin and Andreev were instructed to resign on their own will. As a result, the first refused, and the second — wrote the statement.

Artur Gubaydullin complained about ''illegal actions of the leadership of the RCOD in the face of chief physician Khidiyatova Ilgiz'' (pictured), and some of his deputies. Photo:

After that, according to the oncologist, the persecution began. The discrepancy of certification was found in the documents in his personnel record. As a result, Gubaydullin was dismissed under an article (any of the parties doesn't specify what exactly). Then the endoscopist asked for help in the Sovetsky court of Kazan. In the comment of the RCOD to his statement of claim, the oncologist learned that the management of the clinic believed that the doctor allegedly took the money for the consultation, which Gubaydullin himself denies. The district court supported the medic and decided to restore him to work, the decision resisted in the Supreme Court of Tatarstan as well. As a result, since 1 November the physician was restored in the RCOD, but, according to him, they still do not allow to work quietly and the pressure continues. In particular, a police officer came to him to talk, and the delay of 13 minutes was recorded by the personnel department. This was the reason for addressing to the guarantor.

''After recording the video I got a call from the personnel department and told, ''The documents for dismissal are ready, we are re-firing you.'' But they didn't know that on the same day, on December 25, I wrote the application to the manager with a request to give me a day off for an appointment to a therapist, I was feeling sick, and I was given the sick-list. The personnel department did not know about this,'' Gubaydullin argues and involuntarily rejoices at the disease, because while he is on sick leave he cannot be fired.

''A constructive resolution''

Gubaydullin says that the trials continue and now, after his restoration at work, the justice court of the Sovetsky district awarded him a fine of 5,000 rubles. For what — the physician did not specify.

''It is necessary to leave, probably, they won't allow to work me quietly anyway. No one will tell anything, I have nothing to lose. No one is going to defend me,'' says Gubaydullin. According to him, doctors at the oncology center between themselves are discussing that the security actually was watching the Rinat Khatybovich — the patient complained on him whom the alleged assistant to the minister allegedly named to be a doctor and took the money, and the management of the RCOD eventually suspected Gubaydullin.

The oncology centre confirmed to Realnoe Vrmeya that endoscopist Arthur Gubaydullin had worked with them from 1 August 1995, however, on 11 September 2018, he was dismissed, and on 1 November again restored to his post.

''In the second half of 2018, a number of violations were detected and recorded in the work of Gubaydullin in the proper order. Checking the personal file of the endoscopist showed that in the period from 5 June 2014 to 5 February 2015, he worked without a certificate in the specialty ''endoscopy''. In his written explanation, Gubaydullin admitted the fact of falsification of certification. He systematically was absent from the workplace during working hours, upon what the relevant acts with the subsequent announcement of reprimand were filed,'' the department of social marketing of the RCOD informed our publication.

The oncology centre confirmed to Realnoe Vrmeya that endoscopist Arthur Gubaydullin had worked with them from 1 August 1995, however, on 11 September 2018, he was dismissed, and on 1 November again restored to his post. Photo:

No collective complains

Gubaydullin confirmed the absences, but explained that went to the lawyer, about which he had notified the management. The doctor also does not deny the patient's acceptance without an outpatient card.

''The administration of the RCOD also reports that as of 28 December 2018, there were no collective complaints on behalf of the employees of the dispensary on issues of discontent with the organization of internal processes. The internal service check on the facts stated in Artur Gubaydullin's video address is being carried out. The administration of the RCOD is ready for a constructive resolution of all outstanding issues and problems of the institution under existing regulatory practices,'' the clinic assures.

The RCOD added that on 27 November, a magistrate issued the decision on the recognition Gubaydulin guilty of committing an administrative offense on the issue of causing damage the RCOD by deception or abuse of trust, after which, according to Gubaydulin, he was fined 5,000 rubles, with which he disagrees. However, the head of the social marketing department of the RCOD, Lidia Efimova, noticed that the resolution, indeed, is, but nothing follows from it. The questions about Rinat Khatybovich were left without comments. As for the desire of personnel officers to dismiss the doctor on 25 December, Efimova stressed that Gubaydullin is currently working in the RCOD, there is no order of dismissal. The press service of the ministry of health of the Republic of Tatarstan explained that the response from the RCOD has been agreed with them and there will be no separate comment.

By Yulia Kosolapkina

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