Chernobyl to be remembered at Nowruz educational forum

Nowruz educational forum will take place in Kazan in late May. As the organisers suppose, the number of its participants will reach 300 people. Besides seminars and training, it includes the presentation of Chernobyl Idiot staged by a Colombian director. Realnoe Vremya tells the details.

Six sessions on six platforms

It needs to be reminded that Nowruz theatre and educational forum alternates with the namesake festival of theatres of Turkic-speaking countries in Kazan, both events are held in the Kamal theatre and financed by the Ministries of Culture of Russia and Tatarstan as well as the Unions of Theatre Workers of Russia and the Republic of Tatarstan. This year the theatre and educational forum will celebrate its jubilee – it is the fifth event.

''This year the forum's topic is 'Play as Text. Music as Play's Text. Artist's Text – Play's Character'. Qul Gali's famous composition Qíssai Yosıf was chosen for work,'' explained Farid Bikchantayev, art director of the forum, head producer of the Kamal theatre, chairman of the Union of Theatre Workers of the Republic of Tatarstan, at a press conference in Tatar-inform.

''This year the forum's topic is Play as Text. Music as Play's Text. Artist's Text – Play's Character,'' explained Farid Bikchantayev. Photo: Roman Khasayev

Six sessions will work at the forum. And not only in acting, producing and stage design but also in theatre economy, legislature, management, theatre criticism, specifics of the work of play readers.

For instance, famous theatre teacher from Germany Jurij Alschitz, composer Aleksandr Manotskov, theatre critic Alyona Karas and other are among the pedagogues who will come to the international theatre and educational forum.

The sessions will work in the Kamal theatre, Kazan Federal University rooms, Actor's House.

Demonstrations of the results of works are planned to be held at the end after some sessions. Applications to participate in the forum are actively reaching the site of the Kamal theatre now, they've been already sent from Kazakhstan, Bashkortostan, Altai Krai and, of course, from Tatarstan theatres.

According to director of the Kamal theatre Ilfir Yakupov, who is also simultaneously the director of Nowruz forum, this year about 300 participants will come to Kazan. The experience gained at Nowruz will be very valuable for them.

We need to say that Russia doesn't have analogues of Kazan's Nowruz. The last time a similar educational forum was held by the Russian Union of Theatre Workers was almost 10 years ago.

According to Ilfir Yakupov this year about 300 participants will come to Kazan. Photo: Maksim Platonov

Lev Myshkin's Chernobyl

On 30 and 31 May evenings, two days in a row, one will be able to watch the play of the honourable guest of the forum – Colombian producer Alejandro González Puche – Chernobyl Idiot at Nowruz. Kazan theatregoers know the producer – he staged a play by Calderón Life is a Dream on the stage of the Kamal theatre several years ago.

It seems that two incompatible literary compositions are the foundation of Chernobyl IdiotChernobyl Prayer by Svetlana Alexievich and Idiot by Dostoyevsky. In addition, there are also real monologues of people who went through the Chernobyl tragedy. According to the plot, Lev Myshkin and other characters of Dostoyevsky are in the zone of Chernobyl.

Chernobyl is present in the play in several guises – a restricted zone, a zone of heroism, a zone of tragedy. The events in that town partially affected the future dissolution of the USSR. And Knyaz Lev Myshkin arrives in such a place in search of his relatives.

Two incompatible literary compositions are the foundation of Chernobyl IdiotChernobyl Prayer by Svetlana Aleksiyevich and Idiot by Dostoyevsky. Photo:

Tickets to Chernobyl Idiot are already available in ticket offices of the Kamal theatre, their price is from 250 to 650 rubles. As for other plays, the participants of the forum will be able to watch the latest premiers of the Kamal theatre.

By Tatiana Mamayeva

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