Kazanorgsintez sums up the results of the Year of Ecology

About the implementation of waste sorting system and major ecological events at Kazanorgsintez

In the framework of the Year of Ecology in Russia, Kazanorgsintez (KOS) decided to introduce the separate waste collection system. On the territory of the enterprise there have been installed containers for secondary raw materials; factory workers are being informed about the changes through leaflets. The separate waste collection is to reduce the volume of waste received for disposal at the city landfills. Read more on environmental activities and the results of the Year of Ecology in Russia in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Kazanorgsintez introduces the system of dual waste collection system

The environmental management system at Kazanorgsintez PJSC aims to improve the ecological environment, which is achieved by reducing waste generation. In 2017, the plant decided to study the model of dual collection of municipal solid waste (MSW). Thus, it is planned to reduce the amount of waste received for disposal at the city landfills. Containers for secondary raw materials, namely cardboard, paper, plastic, PET bottles and aluminum cans, will save on garbage disposal by reducing its volume. The introduction of dual collection of MSW promotes environmental literacy and forms environmental responsibility of employees, raising the prestige of the organization.

The containers have been installed at the plant of orgproducts and the recreational centre Solnechny. Photo: the press service of Kazanorgsintez PJSC

The first step to separate collection implementation on the territory of Kazanorgsintez has become the conclusion of a grant agreement with PEK PLC on provision of two specially marked containers of 1,1 cubic meters for the collection of secondary raw materials. The containers have been installed at the plant of orgproducts and the recreational centre Solnechny. It has been issued leaflets to inform employees about separate waste collection. They explain which wastes are suitable for reuse.

Andrey Smolko, deputy chief engineer, the head of ecology department at Kazanorgsintez, told that about 405 tonnes of solid municipal waste were removed from the territory of the enterprise and resort bases of KOS in 2016, with the prescribed limit of MSW at 415 tonnes. The total amount of fees for disposal, including transportation of MSW, in 2016 amounted to more than 1 million rubles.

KOS scheduled 61 environmental protection measures in 2017

In December 2016, the leadership of Kazanorgsintez took the decision on signing agreements on cooperation with the ministry of ecology and natural resources of the Russian Federation, the Federal office of Rosprirodnadzor, the government of Tatarstan to organize the year of ecology in the Russian Federation in 2017. In the framework of the Year of Ecology the enterprise planned the reconstruction of existing treatment plants, the shop for disposal of liquid waste and other measures to reduce the negative impact on the environment. The measures will provide a safe waste disposal of up to 7,000 tonnes a year, sewage treatment of up to 47 million cubic meters a day. Now the implementation of activities is being in the final stage.

KOS planned 61 measures for 2017 on protection of atmospheric air, water objects, protection of soils and land resources. Photo: Oleg Tikhonov

''All employees working in association, from the CEO to an ordinary worker, is interested in clean air, water, land, as we are all inhabitants of the city of Kazan and the surrounding suburbs. We, as well as any resident of the city, are worried about our health and the health of our loved ones, children,'' Andrey Smolko said.

KOS planned 61 measures for 2017 on protection of atmospheric air, water objects, protection of soils and land resources. The flare systems' tips are to be updated at the enterprise. This will ensure more complete combustion and smokeless combustion of waste hydrocarbon gases due to the flow of air into the flare tips.

By Ekaterina Gumarova

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Organichesky Sintez PJSC, Kazan, is one of the largest chemical enterprises of the Russian Federation. Kazanorgsintez PJSC produces more than 38% of Russian polyethylene and is its largest exporter. Kazanorgsintez PJSC is the leader in the production of polyethylene, phenol, acetone, coolants, polycarbonate, chemical reagents for oil extraction and natural gas dehydration. Kazanorgsintez PJSC produces more than 1 million tonnes of chemical products a year.