Artur Aytbagin: ''We need to place a global order for such reformation for ourselves''

How blockchain and new technologies will change the construction industry

The development of technologies in front of our eyes changes a person's lifestyle, working processes, the system of analysis and regulation of many aspects of our existence. Entire sectors will need to switch to new possibilities for technological reformation. It's enough to mention the blockchain technology that the first persons of the country started to talk about. In an op-ed column of Realnoe Vremya, architect Artur Aytbagin tells whether our construction industry is ready for it.

No need build a house that will last for centuries?

New technologies will seriously change people's life, and cities will need to be ready for this – both business and municipal authorities. New tools enable to conduct transactions without a person's participation, which considerably reduces the staff of many organisations. There is a probability that a considerable percentage of office blocks and administrative spaces will be unnecessary. It, in turn, changes the services sector of business zones. Freelance jobs will become more popular. Perhaps, the duration of the working day will also change towards reduction.

The private house construction market will also change – it can shift to inexpensive but quality sets of houses. Advantageous characteristics of a stone house are losing their attractiveness considering the new lifestyle. For instance, a correct brick house is quite expensive at all stages. Why does a person need to spend money to build a house by taking out a loan to pay it out throughout his life and becoming its victim? It's easier and cheaper to place an order for a house product online and be far from a threefold extra payment. Moreover, a house product is not just a roof under one's head but intelligence with a pile of settings and functions. Quality characteristics and price for this house are significantly advantageous, while its modularity enables to augment or reduce the volume if needed. In addition, a person becomes more attached to his region – a house that is built to last for centuries can become simple unnecessary.

The philosophy in private and public places will change in the construction of blocks of flats. A big job will be linked with the creation and regulation of climate zones in cities.

''A correct brick house is quite expensive at all stages. Why does a person need to spend money to build a house by taking out a loan to pay it out throughout his life and becoming its victim?'' Photo:

Perestroika 2.0

The world construction sector has been using new software design products for a long time already. On the other hand, there is a concern that we can hopelessly fall behind in this sector. On the other hand, our country has such a huge demand to change the housing fund, worn-out engineering networks and industrial zones that we can and need to place a global order for such reformation. In addition, we need to do it much faster by implementing new algorithms in the construction sector. The global construction industry will involve many related sectors, which is an additional economic effect.

I will try to explain by our example. In Kazan, our team made a design of the main façade of a new shopping mall in a parametric programme. We set certain parameters, and the computers designed a model of the building's part itself. In addition, all details of the model were automatically summarised in the details' specification that this construction will consist of. In other words, it can be sent to a factory. What used to take months and required a work of several people is done in a second now. In addition, mistakes are excluded because a machine does calculations. Any physical change of the shape also recalculates all specifications during the same time. And a change of the shape is not a bigger or smaller volume, it is also the creation of another image and change in characteristics and sizes of a certain cell – the unit that the whole volume consists of. In brief, changing the chain's link, you automatically change the whole chain.

We set certain parameters, and the computers designed a model of the building's part itself

More blockchain!

I want to compare with the algorithm of blockchain that will probably also enter the construction sector somehow. Now we talk to different specialists who are linked with the construction industry (metal production, assembly companies, developers) and see that it is still a big untapped market for our country. It's important to promote this topic at all levels because both the client and the general designer believed it was interesting experience. But companies that can make it are needed. And new equipment is needed for it. Artists did their job – here is a picture, here is all detailed specification of details, they need to be made – and they are not ready. One has to turn to foreign companies.

Look how interesting it is: it might seem that it's just a new design, a nice picture, as people say. But it already provokes a revolution. In addition, methods of parametric design aren't limited to the shape or plate of a building's walls. They enable to design both a specific building, in general, and entire cities taking all necessities and tasks into account. You just need to add the task to be done to the computer, and the machine will make the final model with an accurate cost sheet under the supervision of 1-2 specialists in several minutes. It will take less time to make a design product than making an order.

The blockchain technology will probably be used in cost sheets as well. The database will be able to consider the budget, specifications, spending and connect design and production issues. The new method will also exclude corruption. The speed and accuracy of developments will increase in engineering departments – in cooperation with the same cost sheet. Blockchain principles will help in analytics in urban design to plan and regulate the urban matrix and document flow. This technology can be sometimes used in problems of contradictory regulatory documentation and creation of terms of reference.

''Look how interesting it is: it might seem that it's just a new design, a nice picture, as people say. But it already provokes a revolution.'' Photo:

Tatarstan has good possibilities to become a leader in this area. A good scientific base, new science city, strong administrative resources and investment possibilities can provide this leap.

By Artur Aytbagin

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