Irada Ayupova: ‘It is a challenge for all of us, for residents — are we worthy of this theatre?’

Minister of Culture of Tatarstan discussed with journalists the new Kamalovsky building and the film festival

Irada Ayupova: ‘It is a challenge for all of us, for residents — are we worthy of this theatre?’
Irada Ayupova offered to argue about tastes. Photo: Динар Фатыхов

“It is not culture that serves the state, but the state that serves culture. I've been saying this at every board meeting for six years. We must remember: there is only one trace left of us — the cultural one," said Minister of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan Irada Ayupova at the traditional summer press conference, which lasted two hours this time. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Altyn Minbar as the right decision

This time the journalists were gathered at Mir cinema, first they were demonstrated how projectionists work. This was due to that a significant part of the announced plans concerned cinema. The meeting was called “Disputes of tastes”.

In September, a festival begins in Kazan, which Ayupova herself, having made a reservation, called the “festival of Muslim cinema”. Now it is called Altyn Minbar. On its first day, Cinema in 7 Days project finishes, in which the teams of the BRICS countries, except Ethiopia, but with Saudi Arabia, participate. Ayupova mentioned that it was from the cinema that they danced, arranging a cultural landing in Malaysia in June this year. The screenings were supplemented with decorative and applied arts, exhibitions, and the presentation of our publications. Soon, the country decided to join the BRICS. “We joked that we had created such a favourable cultural background," the minister said.

“The application campaign itself demonstrated that the decision was correct," Ayupova commented on the name change of the festival. “It was necessary to say very clearly what Muslim cinema is. Filmed according to Muslim canons, in Muslim countries? Or should one of the heroes be a Muslim? We have always come across that this terminological uncertainty scared off many people.”

At the same time, according to Ayupova, the festival's contacts with the DOOM of the Republic of Tatarstan and the DOOM of the Russian Federation remain, as well as the ideology of talking about spiritual and moral values.

The national programme will traditionally be shown at Altyn Minbar, and the minister mentioned several times the problems of the republican cinema.

“No regional budget will close the IRI, the Cinema Development Fund on its scale. I can name one specific task," Ayupova said, obviously referring to our cinema: “To be able to win such federal competitions, you need to formulate a thought correctly, describe a synopsis, and write a script competently.

Now Tatarstan is facing a choice of development path. It can be a “Yakut story”, with the development of its personnel, or a film commission (this was done in Ulyanovsk, Kaliningrad, which followed the path of promoting territories as locations for filming).

“I haven't found an answer for myself yet," Ayupova noted.

She pointed out that one of the halls of the new Kamala theatre could be a film studio — there it is possible to shoot films in the pavilion.

All Tatar directors of the republic are thinking about Kamala theatre's repertoire

“The construction is under strict control," Ayupova answered the question about the timing, because the new theatre is scheduled to open in October. “They are looking for the cement to completely harden, and the communications [are laid precisely]. It's just God-level technology. They have centimeter, millimeter errors in laying communications. The scenes that are mounted there are very high-tech.

Fate of the old Kamala Theatre building has not yet been officially decided. Максим Платонов /

“I'm going to say a very provocative thing now," the minister warned. “We have so many people shouting about the preservation of the Tatar language now. . But they buy tickets to the Ekiyat Puppet Theatre for Russian performances. The new building is a test. How can we make national art attractive to the viewer? Certainly, there are translation possibilities and they can adapt the text to any language. But there is not only the language, but also the soul.

The point, Ayupova explained, is how, with a capacity of 1,300 people in four halls, to make the theatre space attractive to all target audiences.

“This is a challenge for all of us, for the residents — are we worthy of this theatre?" the minister summed up, calling the new building “a centre for the preservation of the national spirit, national tradition”.

The preparation process is underway, all the directors of the republic are thinking about it. Timur Kulov, Sardar Tagirovsky, Aidar Zabbarov, Tufan Imamutdinov, Farid Bikchantaev, Oleg Kinzyagulov. Activities are prescribed for the year — “both educational and hype”. Besides, a studio is being formed at the theatre — its students will study in absentia at GITIS.

The investigation into the case of Rail Sadriev continues, and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan is conducting it. предоставлено пресс-службой ДУМ РТ

And about what turned out to be “not very good”

The speaker also openly admitted that the tourist project “In the footsteps of caravans” (with a trip to the settlements of Chistopol, Bilyar, Bolgar) is still at the stage of agreeing on the cost.

“We are still disputing with travel companies. They are right to some extent, it turned out to be a difficult project. But if it is perfected, it will have a very great potential," the head of the department pointed out, noting that the problem is in the price: not everyone is ready to pay 8,900 rubles in two days. And the amount consists mainly of the cost of travel and accommodation.

Probably, due to the problems of regional tourism, the failure of the competition of local historians is also connected: only 10 applications were submitted for it.

“But when I was little, I was the best guide around Baku — for my relatives," Ayupova explained her sadness.

In this regard, the correspondent of Realnoe Vremya asked whether the ministry works with funds that store memory — cinema, music. After all, not everything can be easily found on the Web.

“I'm very sorry that it doesn't fully work," Ayupova replied. “But when we launched Internet radio with the Atninsky Theatre, we gave them all the archives that we had. But we have problems with the archives of the GTRK and so on. This topic was voiced at the meeting with Rustam Nurgalievich in April. My opinion is that there should be a centre of responsibility. To date, 80% of the funds are not with us.

We also asked about the fate of the Salikh Saidashev Museum, because the composer turns 125 next year. Ayupova pointed out that the new concepts have so far caused disputes between her and the management: one was memorial, the other was artistic, but too expensive.

Fate of the TsUM as a centre of artisans largely depends on customers. Tatiana Demina / Реальное время /

“The biggest problem is that the media has spoiled us. We live with new paintings, new events, we need to be constantly surprised by something," Ayupova noted, pointing out, nevertheless, that the dialogue with the museum continues.

Another question is the fate of the crafts center in TsUM. The minister pointed out that this industry has three ways of development. The first is domestic consumption.

“Raise your hands, who is wearing something that is produced in Tatarstan," the speaker asked, herself acting as a living example — there is both a dress and shoes. “And if there were more of them, then there would be no problems," continued Irada Ayupova.

The second way is to export. But here it requires a large assortment of all sizes. How will our craftsmen provide it? The third way is through the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, a patent for an author's artistic solution, which will be filed by a large manufacturer.

Journalists were concerned about the issue of holding a new Uzgaresh zhile. This year, he will not be in connection with the events of the BRICS forum, the minister explained: the artists are “loaded to the most I do not want”. Maybe next year?

“I can't say, we will see. It's not up to me. This is a project activity. Let's defend the concept — it will be," said Irada Ayupova, giving an insider for sweet: on August 25, a new director will appear at the Kariev Theatre.

Ilnur Gainiyev, who has worked in the same position at the Menzelinsky Theater since 2020, will replace Louza Yansuar, who left in April. This means that the personnel shortage will have to be solved there too.

Radif Kashapov

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