‘We are entering a new cycle’: technological independence discussed at KazanForum

‘We are entering a new cycle’: technological independence discussed at KazanForum
Photo: предоставлено пресс-службой KazanForum

“Today there is no country possessing the full set of technologies”

International cooperation is needed to gain technological independence, claimed Tatarstan Prime Minister Roman Shaykhutdinov. International Cooperation in Electronic Industry, Foundation for National Technological Independence: New Challenges and Unique Opportunities conference took place at Russia — Islamic World: KazanForum on 17 May.

“Today there is no country possessing the full set of technologies that allow it to compete decently and be independent. The amount of knowledge of natural sciences works in a way that there will never be such a country that will be self-sufficient in science,” the speaker noted.

Tatarstan Prime Minister Roman Shaykhutdinov. Photo courtesy of KazanForum press service. предоставлено пресс-службой KazanForum

Roman Shaykhutdinov also stressed the importance of international cooperation in developing technological independence. He singled out three key areas of such cooperation:

  • Access to technologies.
  • Obtaining technological examination.
  • Staff training for this sphere.

“We are living like in the Three Little Pigs tale”

Andrey Bezrukov, president of the Association of Technological Independence Export, noted that microelectronics is the foundation for technological development and stressed the importance of reinforcement of Russia’s positions in this area. The expert noted that nowadays we are facing the necessity of becoming leaders in microelectronics. This owes to the fact that the world is on the threshold of a new technological cycle.

“We are entering a new technological cycle. The one who will come up with solutions and can implement them as products will seize the markets and take the leadership. Now we cannot afford it, this is why our task is to turn this upside down and become leaders. Yes, it is hard but we have no choice,” the speaker said.

Andrey Bezrukov, president of the Association of Technological Independence Export. Photo courtesy of KazanForum press. предоставлено пресс-службой KazanForum

Bezrukov also emphasised that we are living in a world where the world economy is divided into blocs. The countries leading in the market decide who is allowed in and who is not. In such a world, Russia is running the risk of staying outside, and this can lead to the loss of possibilities to develop science and technologies.

“It might happen so that we will simply be not allowed to the bloc markets, which will be three or four and, perhaps, more. It might happen so that they will not need us with our technologies. Today our task is to create our own technological space in our market. There is no big market, there is money and investments. We need to make sure it will cover a market of 700 million customers, a billion is even better. Otherwise, we will not have an opportunity to create advanced development of science and technologies,” Bezrukov claimed.

To avoid this threat, it is necessary to create our own technological space and find partners for cooperation. We can provide a place in new markets and attract necessary investment only this way.

“We need a precise plan for our weak points, our key allies, what production we can set up with them [partners] and in what countries. We are living like in Three Little Pigs tale. While one was making a house out of brick, the other two were making it out of hay. And now we need to carry bricks one by one,” the expert concluded his speech.

Oleg Isakov

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