Wedding tourism: Kazan venues to be advertised in other cities

As Elena Studenikina, the head of the Department of Civil Registration of the Executive Committee of the Municipality of Kazan, reported on 5 March, the number of places for visiting ceremonies among tourists will be increased in Kazan. Such a measure is necessary to popularise the city as a place of marriage among representatives of other cities.
“Activities under the Registration of marriages section provide for the implementation of a set of measures aimed at creating families and concluding marriages. Including by attracting future couples from other regions. The Registry Office is tasked with developing and implementing wedding tourism," Studenikina said.

The Kazan Registry Office and the Kazan Tourism Development Committee are going to develop wedding tourism through the promotion and advertising of the Kazan Family Center and other venues in other cities and regions. Earlier, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan approved a list of cultural institutions where on-site state registration of marriage can be carried out. These include the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Museum of Fine Arts, and the Kazan Kremlin. Also, the on-site registration of marriages in the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan is allowed in the Kazan City Hall, the Moskovsky Cultural Center, the Gorkinsko-Ometyevsky Forest and the Gorky Central Park.
“This year, due to the increase in the number of people wishing to register a marriage in Kazan, the restored territory of the prefecture Old Town has been added for on-site marriage registration. This is the renovated Yunusovskaya Square, a square on Z. Sultana Street, and the embankment of Kaban Lake," Studenikina noted.
In 2023, 52,931 records were made in the registry offices of Kazan. Of these, the largest share is accounted for by birth — 37% of acts. 22% of the acts relate to marriage: 11,643 couples created families in 2023.
Also this year, in addition to Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Wednesday was opened for solemn registration in the summer period. In the most popular month for marriage registration — August — the ballroom of the Moskovsky Cultural Center was offered as a platform for marriage registration.
The year 2024 has been announced by President of the Russian Federation V. Putin as Year of the Family.
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