Increasing the prestige of working professions: Nizhnekamsk choses the best operator, laboratory assistant, and electrician

The competition of professional skills has been held on the basis of the College of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining named after N.V. Lemaev

Increasing the prestige of working professions: Nizhnekamsk choses the best operator, laboratory assistant, and electrician
Photo: Ilyin

Starting the butane-butylene fraction separation unit, determine the chromium content by photometric method, assemble an electrical circuit or program a relay — the participants of the Best in Profession competition can do it and even more! Traditional professional skills competition among young employees of TAIF-NK JSC has been held at the College of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining named after N.V. Lemaev. Process unit operators, chemical analysis laboratory assistants, and electricians for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment demonstrated their knowledge and skills. By tradition, graduate students competed along with professionals. Who, following the results of a difficult struggle, was awarded the diploma of the winner — in the reportage of Realnoe Vremya.

The Best in Profession is an exchange of experience

This year, about 30 contestants competed for the title of the best in their profession. The participants had to cope with theoretical and practical tasks developed by leading experts in a certain amount of time.

This year, about 30 contestants competed for the title of the best in their profession. Ilyin

“The best in the profession is definitely not about rivalry, when you have to win at any cost. This is an opportunity to communicate with colleagues, exchange experience, which will then be used in solving real production tasks," said Alexey Taimanov, the company's chief technologist, before the start of the competition.

He stressed that the “Best in Profession” competition is also a good “challenge to yourself”. Not everyone is able to cope with the excitement and show all their professional skills and abilities. The competition also has another important goal — to raise the prestige and value of working professions, to attract young people to the production sector.

The Best in Profession competition is also a good “challenge to yourself”. / Alexander Ilyin

“This is the fifth time we have held a competition within the walls of this college. We thank our partners for the provided platform. The main objective of the competition is to increase the prestige of the working profession, create conditions for career growth, develop professional potential, skills in improving labour productivity, and exchange experience. Another important factor is the formation of corporate culture in the company by the example of the best employees," said Anton Tukhvatullin, the head of the technical training group of TAIF-NK JSC.

For theory — 20 minutes, for practice — 4 hours

Nine contestants competed for the title of the best operator of process units. In the theoretical part, they had to accurately answer 25 questions in 20 minutes. If the participants coped with this part of the task without any difficulties, then they had to work hard in the second one. In the practical part, for the first time in the history of the competition, it was necessary to run a butane-butylene fraction separation unit on a computer simulator.

Nine contestants competed for the title of the best operator of process units. Ilyin

“The world does not stand still. Innovations are constantly introduced in our industry. The competition of professional skills Best In Profession is also undergoing changes. This year, for the first time, our participants are competing on domestic computer simulators that fully simulate the operation of process units. The guys will have the opportunity to show how to run the column efficiently, while observing the consumption norms of raw materials and energy resources, " Alexey Taimanov notes.

Training on the simulator also allows them to practice practical skills during planned and emergency shutdown, in emergency situations, software developers note.

For the first time, it was necessary to run a butane-butylene fraction separation unit on a computer simulator. Ilyin

“The model on which the simulator is built is the digital twin of the enterprise, it is possible to predict and eliminate emergency situations, virtually test new equipment, analyse and work out safety and continuity. For example, today operators are competing on a model called Butane Separation Unit. The difficulty lies in that it needs to be launched, taking into account economic indicators," says project manager Marat Shayakhmetov.

Alexey Sorokin, operator of the refinery's process units, was one of the first to cope with the practical part. He got a job at the company in 2014 as an instrument operator, and in 2018, he mastered a new specialty for himself as a process unit operator. He says he has always wanted to take a personal part in the management of the technological process.

Alexey Sorokin, operator of the refinery's process units, was one of the first to cope with the practical part. Ilyin

“One of the main working professions in oil refining is a process unit operator. The final result depends on us. Despite that the work of process unit operator is now largely automated, our work cannot be called easy. It is necessary to constantly improve your knowledge, improve your competencies and professionalism. Professional skill contests provide an excellent opportunity to prove yourself, share experiences, and learn something new," Alexey Sorokin admits.

Complicated tasks, high demands

While the process unit operators were launching a butane-butylene fraction separation unit, electricians were competing for the title of the best in the profession in a neighbouring laboratory. The tasks for them also consisted of several stages.

In a nearby laboratory, electricians were fighting for the title of the best in their profession. Ilyin

“In the theoretical part, we have 20 tickets with 10 questions each. It all takes 10 minutes. Additional points are awarded for the time saved. The practical part consists of two stages. The first is circuit assembly and relay programming. The second is first aid dressing. On a special simulator, participants perform activities for resuscitation of the victim. Two hours are allocated for the implementation of the practical and theoretical part," says Vasily Vasilkov, the chairman of the jury of the professional skills competition among electricians.

According to him, oil refining is an energy-intensive production. Production facilities require enormous consumption of electrical and thermal energy. Therefore, the issue of reliable energy supply at the enterprise is always at the forefront.

“If we have problems, problems immediately arise along the entire production chain. We need to understand the role and degree of importance of our profession," adds Vasily Vasilkov.

Therefore, the issue of reliable energy supply at the enterprise is always at the forefront. Ilyin

Farit Fazlyev is one of the youngest participants of the competition, he is focused solely on winning and does not feel much excitement.

“I am interested in the competition itself between the employees of the enterprise. This motivates to explore innovations in the profession. Progress does not stand still, equipment is changing, everything is improving. Now it is necessary to apply more mental abilities, be able to interact with a computer, and install electrical equipment," Farit notes.

Leonid Kulemin, the mentor of the contestants from the refinery, admits that he is proud of his students — the guys quickly and, most importantly, efficiently coped with the task.

Leonid Kulemin, the mentor of the contestants from the refinery, admits that he is proud of his students. Ilyin

“The best of the best electricians compete in the competition. Before the start of the competition, the guys had time for self-preparation. They studied theory and performed similar practical tasks. While it is difficult to single out anyone, everyone is working well. The jury evaluates not only the time, quality, but also the efficiency of the scheme. The students did well too, they coped. The theoretical part is on top. We are waiting for them at our factory," he said with a smile.

“Our profession is very interesting”

The participants of the Laboratory Assistant of Chemical Analysis competence showed an equally high level of training. The young women coped with the theoretical part in just 2 minutes, which could not but please the chief expert.

“The theory is usually given 10 minutes, but the contestants met in a matter of minutes. They are very competent and well-trained," Yevgeny Burankov, the chairman of the jury in the competence of the Chemical Analysis Laboratory, says with a smile. “The second part of the task is more difficult. It takes 2.5 hours. Here it is required to determine the chromium content by photometric method in a sample of the analysed water. The tasks change from year to year.

Participants of the Laboratory Assistant of Chemical Analysis competence showed an equally high level of training. Ilyin

According to the organisers of the competition, it is in the practical part that the magic of science and analytics begins with flasks, filters, pipettes and devices. The jury closely monitors the work of the contestants. The commission evaluates the accuracy of the analyses, the technique of working with laboratory utensils, compliance with occupational safety requirements and much more.

“Two chemical analysis laboratory assistants are involved from our plant. The girls are young professionals. Each of them tries to prove themselves in the workplace, shows excellent test results. The profession of a laboratory assistant is very important and necessary. I would even say it is the heart of the enterprise. No self-respecting company can do without a laboratory. The quality of the products depends on how correctly and competently the laboratory assistant will do his job," Rosalia Yamilova, the head of the laboratory at ZB, is sure.

According to the organisers of the competition, it is in the practical part that the magic of science and analytics begins with flasks, filters, pipettes and devices. Ilyin

Adelya Rafikova has worked as a chemical analysis laboratory assistant for 3 years. She got a job at the company immediately after graduating from college. She admits that she loved chemistry from school, so there was no doubt which specialty to get in the future.

“Our profession is very interesting. We carry out various chemical analyses every day. I am currently studying at the institute, I plan to develop in this field, grow up the career ladder. The professional skills competition creates conditions for professional growth. I am very glad that I got such a chance," the young woman says.

Honouring the best

The results of the competition of the best in the profession were summed up in the assembly hall of the College of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining named after N.V. Lemaev. The heroes of the production were honoured with well-deserved applause. Farit Fazlyev became the best among electricians in the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, Ayrat Khusnutdinov took the second place, and Artur Valiev took the third place.

“Last year I was the second, this year I has taken revenge. The fight was intense, all the participants were strong. There is no need to be afraid to participate in professional skill contests. Competitions allow you to identify your strengths and tighten up your weaknesses. We must always move forward and develop," the best electrician Farit Fazlyev shared his impressions.

Results of the competition of the best in the profession were summed up in the assembly hall of the College of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining named after N.V. Lemaev. Ilyin

Ruslan Efimov became the winner in the competence of Process Unit Operator, Ainur Kalimullin took the second place, Artur Sharifullin — the third. Salavat Khismatullin, a third-year student, distinguished himself among the students. He won a confident first place.

“Emotions are overwhelming. Today, I've got a lot of experience, I has had the opportunity to communicate with the company's employees, ask about the nuances of working in production," he said.

Ruslan Efimov became the winner in the competence of Process Unit Operator, Ainur Kalimullin took the second place, Artur Sharifullin — the third. Ilyin

Guzel Garayeva won the Laboratory Assistant of Chemical Analysis competence, Natalia Kaibagarova won the silver, Vita Makarova and Aisylu Gazizova shared the bronze.

“I have been participating for several years. I took second place last year. This year — the first. I'm very glad. It wasn't easy. I had to give my best 100 percent, show all my knowledge. Thank you very much for the opportunity to participate in the professional skills competition. The most difficult thing for me was to cope with the excitement," Guzel Garayeva shares her emotions.

The best of the best, they say at the enterprise, are those specialists who constantly learn and improve themselves. Promising employees are selected for work even before graduation from an educational institution, and such contests are a good chance for a student to prove themselves and learn more about the employer.

“In our college, we hold professional skills competitions The Best in Profession several times a year. This is a good chance for our students to prove themselves. This is very useful both for us and for businesses. Student show their skills and knowledge. Many of the contestants get a job after graduating from college. For the company, this is not only the professional development of employees, but also the search for talented, promising young people," says the deputy director of the N.V. Lemaev College, Olga Vyatchannikova

She also noted that young people now first try to get a working specialty, get a job at an enterprise, and only then go to study at an institute.

The best of the best, they say at the enterprise, are those specialists who constantly learn and improve themselves. Ilyin

So this time, the college students have not disappointed, surprising the experienced employees of the enterprise with deep knowledge of the subject. According to the results of the competition, all winners and prize-winners received memorable gifts and diplomas, as well as monetary remuneration and the opportunity to increase their rank. The next time the professional skills competition The Best in Profession are held next spring. Besides, the best of the best will present their company at the republican Alabuga-skills competitions early next year.

Lilia Yegorova

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