Standards for provision of shops for the population to be revised in Tatarstan

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Tatarstan has developed standards for the minimum provision of the population with the area of retail facilities for the next five years. The previous figures were adopted back in 2016 at the level of 12,284 stationary retail outlets throughout the region. As it became known to Realnoe Vremya, the current set of rules will reduce this number by 682 objects — up to 11,602. At the same time, it is proposed to reduce the number of stores mainly in small towns and villages. In Kazan, for example, on the contrary, there will be more of them.
Number of stores will increase in Kazan, and in Naberezhnye Chelny — will be reduced
As mentioned above, the previous order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade was adopted in October 2016. It set the minimum number of stationary retail facilities at the level of 12,284. The largest number of stores from that list accounted for Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny — 2,624 and 1,919, respectively.
Nizhnekamsk was in the third place, where 1,186 retail outlets were allowed, followed by Almetyevsk — 352, Zelenodolsk — 238, Chistopol — 235, Yelabuga — 220, Zainsk — 140, Leninogorsk — 135, Bugulma — 123. In other localities, the number of shops did not reach hundreds, and in some — even 50. For example, in Tetyushi, where the document allowed the operation of 44 retail facilities.

According to the new regulations, the number of stationary retail facilities throughout Tatarstan will be reduced to 11,602. As before, most of them will be located in the capital of the republic and the automotive city. However, if in Kazan in the next five years the number of stores will be able to increase by 1,1 thousand points (up to 3,805), then in Naberezhnye Chelny, on the contrary, it will decrease by 334 (to 1,585).
This time, the Ministry of Industry and Trade did not make a breakdown for each locality, indicating only data by districts and urban districts. The top ten remained the same, but the municipalities still changed places in it: Nizhnekamsk — 804 (there were 1,360, -556), Almetyevsk — 619 (there were 457, +162), Zelenodolsk — 491 (there were 376, +115), Bugulma — 292 (there were 242, +50), Yelabuga — 248 (there were 336, -88), Leninogorsk — 229 (there were 237, -8), Chistopol — 215 (there were 392, -177), Zainsk — 154 (there were 269, -115).

Fairs, grocery, and non-stationary stores: how to expand statistics
In addition to changes in the number of stores, the proposed standards also establish new accounting systems. So, for example, they have a point of minimum provision of Tatarstan residents with retail facilities in which only food products are sold. In total, there should be 5,201 such stores in the republic. Most of them will be in Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny — 1,706 and 710, respectively.
In the third place, as in the previous rating, it is Nizhnekamsk district — 360. It is followed by Almetyevsk — 277, Zelenodolsk — 220, Bugulma — 131, Yelabuga — 111, Leninogorsk — 102.

Together with them, it is proposed to take into account the number of non-stationary retail facilities, of which there may be no more than 2,400 in Tatarstan. Of these: 787 — in Kazan, 328 — in Naberezhnye Chelny, 166 — in Nizhnekamsk, 128 — in Almetyevsk, 102 — in Zelenodolsk districts.
Besides, fairs with retail markets can now be included in the accounting. In total, there can be no more than 160 of them in the republic, most of which will traditionally fall on Kazan — 52. Another 22 — in Naberezhnye Chelny, 11 — in Nizhnekamsk, 9 — in Almetyevsk, 7 — in Zelenodolsk districts.

In other municipalities, their number varies from one to four points. For example, in Cheremshansky, Tyulyachinsky, Yutazinsky, Novosheshminsky, Muslyumovsky, Sabinsky, Spassky and other districts — one fair or market.
Retail trade turnover in the first half of the year reached 635,6 billion rubles
The volume of retail trade turnover in Tatarstan reached 635,6 billion rubles in the first half of 2023. It grew in comparable prices by 6,8%. A year earlier, due to the mass withdrawal of international companies from the Russian market, retail showed a drop of 2,2%, including non-food one — by 5,2%.
This year, the turnover of food trade in the republic increased from 218 to 297,2 billion rubles (+8,3%). The turnover of non-food retail increased from 216,8 to 338,4 billion rubles (+5,4%). Retail trade turnover per capita increased from 123,463 to 158,876 rubles.
Also in Tatarstan, the provision of retail space per thousand of the population has increased — from 898,1 to 939,8 square metres, the number of consumer services facilities increased from 6,290 to 6,543, but the number of retail enterprises decreased — from 17,390 to 16,513.
Since 2017, the retail trade turnover in Tatarstan has increased 1,6 times in absolute figures — from 394,2 to 635,6 billion rubles.
During this time, retail experienced bad times twice — in 2020 and in 2022, and then showed active growth. At the same time, in 2023, the market showed less noticeable recovery dynamics than in 2021. Read more in the material of Realnoe Vremya.
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