Tatarstan eating establishments' turnover reaches 48.8 billion rubles

Tatarstan eating establishments' turnover reaches 48.8 billion rubles
Photo: Tikhonov (archive)

In January-September 2023, the turnover of bars, cafes and restaurants of Tatarstan was 48.83 billion rubles. Compared to the same period last year, it rose by 18.1%, according to the Russian Statistics Service.

Tatarstan finished first in the Volga Federal District in eating establishments’ turnover in nine months of 2023. The top 3 also includes Samara (34.4 billion rubles) and Nizhny Novgorod (30.4 billion rubles) oblasts.

In January-September 2023, the turnover of bars, cafes and restaurants of the Volga Federal District was 262.5 billion rubles. The sum is 14.6% bigger than during nine months last year. Tikhonov (archive)

The lowest turnover among eating establishments in 14 Volga regions in January-September 2023 was registered in Mordovia. It was 4.6 billion rubles, whichi s 1.6% more than during the same period last year.

It should be reminded that in January-August 2023, the turnover of restaurants, cafes and bars of Tatarstan was almost 42.8 billion rubles. Compared to the same period last year, it is 19.5% up.

Tatiana Dyomina

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