Kazan agro-industrial park to be renovated for 160.6m rubles

Kazan agro-industrial park to be renovated for 160.6m rubles
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov (archive)

It is planned to renovate Kazan agro-industrial park and improve an adjacent territory. 160.6 million rubles can be spent to this end, Realnoe Vremya found out.

Construction and assembly works in the park with engineering and technical systems will include the building itself on an area of 50.274 square metres and parking — 7.895 square metres. 53.3 million and 7.89 million rubles respectively will be spent on them.

The renovation of the agro-industrial complex includes a new façade (1.500 square metres) and roofing (20.947 square metres). 14.15 million and 45 million rubles respectively are intended to be sent for these works.

It is also planned to repair outdoor WCs. The amount of works is assessed at 70 square metres, while the funding amounts to 2.9 million rubles.

The territory will be improved by laying a new road. Workers will have to renew it on an area of 3.996 square metres. These works were evaluated at 8.6 million rubles.

The Main Construction Office of Tatarstan is the contractor of the works. The works must end by 28 February 2024. The renovation of Kazan agro-industrial park will be funded by the republic’s budget.

realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov (archive)

It should be reminded that Kazan agro-industrial park is a multi-functional complex built for agricultural producers and entrepreneurs. It was registered as a legal entity in 2012.

In 2018, Kazan agro-industrial park’s total commodity turnover made up 1.6 billion rubles. 276 residents operated on that site at that moment.

Nowadays the park holds traditional agricultural fairs on Saturdays. Russia Halal Market exhibition of halal products was hosted there during Russia — Islamic World: KazanForum international economic forum in May 2023.

Tatiana Dyomina

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