‘We will stop the damage of lawns and unauthorised trade’: 217m rub of fines issued in Kazan

‘We will stop the damage of lawns and unauthorised trade’: 217m rub of fines issued in Kazan
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Maxim Platonov (archive)

In January-August 2023, the administrative commissions of Kazan considered more than 91,4 thousand cases, for which fines of 217 million rubles were imposed. The number of fines issued for illegal street trading and unpaid parking has increased significantly. At the same time, the number of protocols for violation of the rules of landscaping, on the contrary, has decreased to minimal indicators. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

More than 3k resolutions have been issued in Kazan for illegal street trade since the beginning of the year

As Nail Biktagirov, the head of the Ddepartment for organising the activities of the city's administrative commissions, told today at Business Monday on 18 September, 3,169 resolutions were issued in the capital of Tatarstan for illegal street trade from January to August of this year. This is by 71% more than last year. The amount of fines imposed during this period under the Article 3.2 of the Administrative Code of Tatarstan amounted to 8,4 million rubles.

The Kazan authorities regularly conduct raids to curb unauthorised street trade. One of the last raids took place in June on the territory of the Privolzhsky district. By its results, five protocols on administrative violations were drawn up.

realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov

Let us remind, as the deputy head of the department for the organisation of the activities of administrative commissions, Alexander Zemchenko, said, illegal shopping facilities are often placed in markets and near public transport stops, as there are many pedestrians in these places.

realnoevremya.ru/Ilya Repin (archive)

Number of resolutions for unpaid parking in the city has increased by 87%

As for the placement of transport without paying for a parking space, for 8 months of 2023, 72,691 administrative resolutions were drawn up in Kazan for this reason. This is by 87% more than in the same period last year.

“A significant increase in violations is associated with the expansion of parking space," Nail Biktagirov explained.

According to him, 12 thousand resolutions were drawn up for placing cars on a green area in the city in January-August, which is by 13% more than in the same period of 2022.

realnoevremya.ru/Maxim Platonov

At the same time, Biktagirov noted that since June of this year, 731 comments have been made to disabled people who left their cars in paid municipal parking lots in places not reserved for them.

“The citizens who are in the federal register of disabled people often mistakenly believe that they have the right to place their vehicles in the entire parking space for free, and not only in specially designated places for disabled people," he said.

The head of the department also drew attention to that in Kazan, disabled parking spaces are often occupied by motorists without the right to free parking. Since the beginning of the year, traffic police officers have drawn up 1,263 protocols under the Article 12.19 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

Number of protocols for violation of the rules of landscaping has decreased by 99%

In Kazan this year, the number of protocols for violation of the rules of landscaping submitted for consideration has decreased by 99%.

“The moratorium on inspections during Covid-19 restrictions announced by the mayor of Kazan, the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on state and municipal control and other changes in federal laws adopted over the past three years have significantly reduced the administrative burden on citizens, entrepreneurs and business entities. Currently, the main part of the work of the regulatory authorities is preventive in nature," Nail Biktagirov explained the dynamics.

In total, in January-August 2023, administrative commissions considered 91,410 cases. As a result, fines of 217 million rubles were imposed.

realnoevremya.ru/Maxim Platonov (archive)

In turn, the head of the Kazan executive committee, Rustem Gafarov, said that administrative control over entrepreneurs and business entities will continue:

“Personal gain should not be above the public interest. We will stop the damage of lawns by car owners and unauthorised trade. Therefore, I once again set you up to ensure that this work is maximally adjusted so that the moratorium works in the context, and at the same time, there is order in the city," he said.

Maxim Kokunin

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