Tatarstan residents start to spend in stores and cafes more

Tatarstan residents start to spend in stores and cafes more
Photo: (archive)

Tatarstan residents’ expenses in stores and cafes rose: the retail trade turnover in April 2023 rose by 12.7% — to 106 billion rubles, while that of food outlets did by 21.5%, to 5.44 billion rubles, according to the Tatarstan Statistics Service.

In April 2022, after the start of the special military operation, the retail trade turnover in the republic fell by 10%. According to the statistics, now the consumer activity has bounced back.

The citizens spent 56.5 billion rubles to buy non-food products in April 2023 — 15.8% more than during the same month last year. However, the non-food turnover reduced by 18% at once then.

The positive dynamics are seen in the market of fee-based services (the turnover in April rose by 7.8%, to 33.7 billion rubles) and the market of household-related services (28.6% growth, to 5.47 billion rubles).

Photo: (archive)

Vegetables that are in the so-called borscht set became more expensive in Tatarstan from 22 to 29 May. Several other products such as meat and sugar appreciated over the same week too. But tomatoes and cucumbers became leaders of the price fall of the week.

Margarita Golovatenko

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