VTB and Alabuga to fund the construction of Deng Xiaoping’s logistic centre

VTB and Alabuga Special Economic Zone signed a loan agreement to fund the construction of Deng Xiaoping’s logistic centre that will become a part of Ethylene 600 industrial park. It is specified the amount will total 56 billion rubles until 2033.
The total area of the logistic complex will exceed 670,000 square metres. The centre will receive e-commerce freight, components from China as well as send production polymers there. The terminal’s installed capacity is planned to reach 100,000 containers a year.
It is noteworthy that infrastructure facilities are going to be built and modernised with the funding of the park to build the logistic complex, road and railway infrastructure as well as engineering networks.
“As a backbone financial institution of the country VTB provides assistance in large-scale and significant projects, including those aimed to create new logistic chains. The bank’s involvement in the funding of the construction of the logistic centre, which is 56 billion rubles until 2033, will allow increasing our country’s industrial potential and strengthen partnership between VTB and Tatarstan,” said Vice President and Board Chairman of VTB Valery Lukyanenko.

It should be reminded that it became known in mid-April that a new logistic complex can appear at Tura 2.0 industrial park in Tatarstan’s Zelenodolsk District.
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