Tatarstan citizens reluctant to choose spaces for landscaping in 2024 — 20-25k votes needed every day

Tatarstan citizens reluctant to choose spaces for landscaping in 2024 — 20-25k votes needed every day
Photo: Platonov (archive)

In Tatarstan, since April 15, since the beginning of voting for public spaces for landscaping for 2024, 7 thousand residents have taken part in it. Such rates are insufficient, the Ministry of Construction of the republic stated.

“From the point of view of the current voting, the voting has begun. We have just over 7 thousand people who voted. That is, the activity from the dynamics that exists, it is still too small. That is, according to our estimates, we would like at least 20-25 thousand people to vote every day for us to achieve that indicator as quickly as possible," said Aleksey Frolov, the first deputy minister of construction, architecture and housing and communal services of Tatarstan.

Photo: Platonov (archive)

Let us remind that the day before, the executive committee of Kazan stated that citizens are not active in voting for public spaces for landscaping for 2024. Last year, 62 thousand people took part, or 6% of those who could vote for a particular space.

“I would like to draw special attention to that if the number of Kazan citizens who voted does not increase this year, the indicators of the federal project will not be achieved and Kazan risks being excluded from the public spaces development programme for 2024," said Igor Kulyazhev, the deputy head of the Kazan Executive Committee on Landscaping, on April 17.

The Ministry of Construction of Tatarstan stated that “the information is absolutely correct.” Kazan, in order to involve the maximum number of residents in the vote, was advised to “conduct more active work”.

“In terms of the requirements from the federal level, they are getting tougher and tougher to us, and I already said in my speech that our bar in terms of the number of residents involvement is rising to 350 thousand residents in general. The federal rating of all subjects is formed based on joint work, how active the population is. Based on this, a decision is already being made on the distribution of the federal component in the part of the national project. Fortunately for us, so far there have been no strict measures to limit our participation in federal grants, because in previous years the activity of the population in online voting in our country exceeded the level of KPI that we had set for the subject," Aleksey Frolov said.

Photo: Platonov (archive)

267 public spaces located on the territory of all 45 municipalities of Tatarstan and more than 2 thousand yards that can be renovated under the republican programme “Our Yard” were put to the vote, First Deputy Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of Tatarstan Aleksey Frolov recalled.

The vote to choose public spaces for landscaping for 2024 started on April 15. It lasts until May 31. It is carried out within the framework of the federal project “Formation of comfortable urban environment” of the national project “Housing and Urban Environment”.

Tatyana Demina

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