AI in People’s Control, radiological data centre: digitalisation targets of Tatarstan in 2023

AI in People’s Control, radiological data centre: digitalisation targets of Tatarstan in 2023
Photo: Nazmetdinov

Tatarstan authorities continue to sum up the results of the Year of Digitalisation in the republic and prepare plans for the coming 2023. For example, a number of ministries and other departments have been instructed to analyse the events of the previous year in order to submit their proposals for improving the strategy. They should include not only work plans and financing, but also specific tasks for commissioning the information systems being developed. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

New projects will get more coverage

Let us remind that the digital transformation programme of the republic began to operate last year. According to the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Tatarstan, in 2022 and 2023 the programme budget provides for 4,6 billion rubles, in 2024 and 2025 — 3,8 billion rubles. The total amount of funding for the programme will amount to 16,8 billion rubles. Moreover, these amounts have already been adjusted: according to the initial version, it was planned to allocate more than 1 billion rubles for 2022, 974,8 million rubles in 2023, and 675,8 million rubles in 2024.

By April 1, the state authorities, together with the Ministry of Finance, are to analyse the execution of the instructions of the rais of the republic on digitalisation of subordinate industries and the resulting economic effect. At the same time, they need to submit proposals for step-by-step financing of the development of information systems and their implementation. Also, the Ministry of Digital Development of Public Administration, Information Technology and Communications needs to develop a list of measures to ensure information security of critical information infrastructure facilities by March 31.

The new projects are to provide maximum coverage to the residents of the region and be more protected from various cyber threats. Thus, digitalisation will cover even more areas in various fields — from education to healthcare.

Photo: Nazmetdinov

Ministry of Digital Development of Tatarstan will work with the Russian Post and the FSB

Speaking about specific tasks, it is important to note that the plans for this year already include a whole list covering many areas and departments. For example, the Ministry of Digital Development of Tatarstan needs:

  • submit proposals for the implementation of the Kazan Project Office project by April 1;
  • submit proposals for the development of the register of information systems by May 1;
  • to develop and submit proposals for updating the server infrastructure of the unified interdepartmental electronic document management system by June 30;
  • until the same day, to ensure work with documents for official use in a single interdepartmental system.

Some of the activities will be implemented in the unification of ministries. For example, until October 31, the Ministry of Digital Developemnt, together with the Ministry of Construction and the Federal Migration Service “Tatarstan Pochtasy”, needs to modernise postal facilities located in rural settlements. Also, the Ministry of Digital Development, together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Security Service of Russia for Tatarstan, will need to put into operation a single video surveillance integration platform and submit proposals to give it the status of a state information system.

Photo: Nazmetdinov

Continuing the topic of security, by December 31, the agency must organise the connection of all executive bodies and local self-government bodies to the cyber threat prevention centre. At the same time, the Ministry of Digital Developent will ensure the transfer of state and municipal services to the digital platform “Digital Services of the Republic of Tatarstan”, and together with the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Protection will arrange a redesign of the code of the system “Social Register of the Population of the Republic of Tatarstan”.

Among other main tasks facing the Ministry of Finance:

  • to develop a proposal for the creation of a server infrastructure of the regional spatial data fund of Tatarstan by June 30;
  • to ensure the implementation of the first stage of the creation of the Unified information system for accounting and management of state and municipal property (Property UIS) by December 31, 2024;
  • to submit proposals on the introduction of artificial intelligence elements into the activities of the interdepartmental electronic document management system, the state information system “People's Control” and contact centres for working with citizens' appeals.
Photo: Nazmetdinov

All major services will be converted to digital format

Other ministries will also work in the field of digitalisation, but in their own areas. For example, the Ministry of Education and Science of Tatarstan will need to ensure that teachers, students and their parents are informed about the current capabilities of the federal state information system “My School”. Also, to ensure the modernisation of the E-education system by December 31.

The Ministry of Healthcare of the republic needs to organise the implementation of the telemedicine service information system in all medical organisations on the territory of the republic by March 31. Besides, the agency needs to submit proposals for scaling HIMSS standards with an indication of the timing of certification. Also, one of the projects in the near future will be the development of a radiological data centre. By July 30, the Ministry of Healthcare will have to ensure the launch of a single medical contact centre.

The Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Protection is to ensure the possibility of submitting applications for all socially significant state and municipal services in the “Care” information system until December 31.

Photo: Nazmetdinov

The Ministry of Land and Property Relations, together with the TIDA, will provide assistance within the competence of Russian Post JSC in the implementation of the Kazan Transport Hub project, which includes the construction of logistics facilities for the development of places with special customs status, the transfer of the existing mail transportation centre, the construction of an automobile gas-filling compressor station.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has until December 31 to make proposals for the creation of an industrial technopark in the field of radio electronics, as well as to carry out work on the design of an information system in the field of industry, energy and trade.

The Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations is to ensure the design of the single digital platform “Safe City” by December 31, as well as to make proposals for the modernisation of the system for calling emergency services by the number "112" on the basis of GLONASS+112.

All other departments, including the State Tariff Committee, will also have to develop their own information platforms and projects. At the same time, only domestic software and technologies should be used for their implementation.

Photo: Nazmetdinov

The KFU will train civil servants, and the KAI will train personnel for the development of microelectronics

It is worth noting that digitalisation projects will not bypass the advanced educational institutions of the republic. For example, the Higher School of State and Municipal Administration of the KFU will be offered to organise training of state and municipal employees on programmes to improve competencies in the field of digital transformation. At the same time, the KNRTU-KAI, together with ICL Techno PLC, will need to submit proposals for training specialists in the field of development and design of microelectronic equipment by December 31.

Let us remind that last autumn, in the wake of the development of digital technologies in the educational environment, a university startup studio was also opened. The organisation is located in Naberezhnye Chelny on Mira Prospekt, in house 13b — in the building of the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of the KFU and the engineering centre of the university.

The authorised capital is divided equally by 25% (25 thousand rubles) between the Investment and Venture Fund of Tatarstan, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programmes, and KAMAZ PJSC.

The organisation is represented by 18 types of activities, among which are:

  • market research;
  • retail trade carried out directly via the Internet;
  • computer software development;
  • the activity of web portals.
Photo: Nazmetdinov

Tatarstan is among the leaders of digital transformation by the end of 2022

According to the results of the previous year, Tatarstan took the first place in the ranking of digital transformation leaders among all Russian subjects:

  • For example, by December, Tatarstan was the first in Russia to convert all state and municipal services to electronic form — now 319 significant services are available to residents online.
  • The Ministry of Digital Developemnt of the republic took part in the digitalisation project of the Republican Clinical Hospital, which passed the HIMSS certification.
  • FASs in small settlements have been equipped with computers.
  • According to the results of the year, Tatarstan was also among the regions where preferential mortgages were most often used. An important event for the entire IT community of the republic is the opening of the new Bashir Rameev IT Park in Kazan, the total area of which is 49,700 square metres.
Photo: Nazmetdinov

Several interactive projects were also launched in 2022. In the application “I am a school student”, a competition on road safety started in the autumn. Together with Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko, the start of the competition for schoolchildren “High five!” was announced, and the first voting of apartment building owners in Kazan was launched in the digital service “Lokolo”. Later, the service will start to operate throughout the republic.

Maksim Kokunin

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