Vladimir Putin claims the end of mobilisation in two weeks — 222k people conscripted

Vladimir Putin claims the end of mobilisation in two weeks — 222k people conscripted
Photo: realnoevremya.ru

President of Russia Vladimir Putin claimed that 222,000 people have been conscripted within the partial mobilisation. He specified that all mobilisation events would end in two weeks.

“The Defence Ministry offered a smaller number first. Secondly, nothing else is planned. I haven’t received any proposals from the Ministry of Defence (Editor’s note: about further mobilisation). And I don’t see any necessity in the foreseeable future,” the Russian leader said at a press conference in Astana.

Also, Putin commented on violations during the partial mobilisation.

“As for the mess, it is related to old registry forms. Their quality came to the surface only after the events. The database is being updated and will be as authentic as possible. This job is already coming to an end. Now 222,000 out of 300,000 people have been mobilised. I think will mobilisation events will end during two weeks,” he said.

The Russian leader explained that the mobilisation had to be announced because contracted militaries aren’t able to protect the border with Ukraine. According to him, 33,000 mobilised men are already in units, 16,000 are doing battle tasks.

Putin claimed that he would additionally task the Russian Security Council with inspecting how mobilised citizens were trained.

The partial mobilisation was announced in Russia on 21 September. 300,000 reservists will be conscripted during the mobilisation, said the country’s Defence Minister Sergey Shoigu.

Tatiana Leukhina

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