Rustam Minnikhanov sends Tatarstan archers to World Nomad Games

Very soon, on 3 September, the 2nd World Nomad Games start in Kyrgyzstan. The Games will gather 2,000 athletes from 40 countries. As it became known to Realnoe Vremya, the Tatarstan delegation of 36 people will take part in the competitions. The Tatarstan archers will participate in the World Nomad Games for the first time.

Kyrgyzstan is attracting nomads by soms

The main difference between the World Nomad Games and the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro — the Nomad Games have purely ethnic orientation. The sports represented in the Games programme are known not for everyone. The words 'Gulesh' (the Azerbaijani national wrestling), Salbuurun (complex hunting games with hunting birds, dogs and traditional archery) and Dzhirit (widespread in the East game, to a certain extent, complying with the European polo) do not elicit any association directly or indirectly connected with sports of most of people. These competitions were aimed to promote sports culture and traditions of the nomadic peoples of Asia. In addition to sporting events, there are also intellectual and strategic games.

In 2014, the President of Kyrgyzstan, Almazbek Atambayev gave the start to the first World Nomad Games. The today's competitions, as well as two years ago, will be held in Kyrgyz city of Cholpan-Ata at the lake Issyk-Kul. The number of expected participating countries and the stated types of sports in comparison with the first Games increased almost twofold. About 2,000 athletes will compete for medals and money prizes.

The main difference between the World Nomad Games and the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro — the Nomad Games have purely ethnic orientation. Photo:

This year the prize fund will be $ 27 million Kyrgyzstani soms ($395 170). For comparison, in 2014, this amount was 11 million soms less. The winner of the race horses 'kunan-chabysh' (the races of horses from two to three years) two years ago won 500 thousand soms, which in the current exchange rate is approximately $7 318. The favorites of the competition under the name of Ordo (the game reproducing the battle) were awarded 700, 400 and 200 thousand soms respectively.

Tatarstan archers will compete with the Mongolian

The decision on participation of the Tatarstan athletes in the Games was made by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. Tatarstan athletes will participate in the Games for the second time.

The First Deputy Minister on Youth and Sport Affairs Khalil Shaikhudinov told Realnoe Vremya about the Tatarstan delegation membership: 'Today, our delegation includes 36 people, including coaches, officials and athletes. In addition to traditional martial arts, where our athletes consistently represent the Republic in various competitions, the Tatarstan archers will perform at the World Nomad Games for the first time. Among the athletes, there are 20 men and 9 women. The national team include 13 masters of sports. All costs are financed from the Republican budget.'

According to Shaikhutdinov, now the athletes are training. The wrestlers, for example, are actively involved in unusual manners of wrestling. 'Our wrestlers are the leading athletes of the Republic, the Champions of Russia, Europe and of the world. Of course, the types of local, Kyrgyz wrestling, are different from Tatarstan. Anyway, the tickets have been purchased and the athletes are ready to show what they're capable of,' he says.

According to Shaikhudinov, the types of local, Kyrgyz wrestling, are different from Tatarstan. Anyway, the tickets have been purchased and the athletes are ready to show what they're capable of. Photo:

According to Shaikhutdinov, Tatarstan is trying to maintain and develop cordial relations with Kyrgyzstan. 'It's not the medals that is important but the preservation of friendly relations. The organizers are doing everything at the highest level, we are pleased to be part of such a great and colorful event, to visit local facilities and, of course, to exchange experience,' recognized in the Department.

Among the favorites of the World Nomad Games-2014 are Kazakhstan and, of course, Kyrgyzstan.

Cholpan-Ata will become the center of sports culture of the nomads from 3 to 8 September. At the end of the competitions, the relay of an organizer will move the capital of Uzbekistan — Tashkent. The next Games are planned to be held in 2018.

By Dilyara Kashapova

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