Number of Kazan online entrepreneurs rises by more 1,500 people in a year

The number of SMEs in Kazan rose by 4,2% in five months of 2022 compared to the same period last year. Nowadays they total more than 81,000, half of whom are employed in commerce and public catering, it was said at Business Monday meeting in the city administration. The number of Kazan online entrepreneurs rises by more 1,500 people in a year.

However, the number of sole traders and self-employed people grows amid a fall in small enterprises. If 32,721 businesspeople were on the registry of sole traders from January to May 2021, while their number increased by more than 4,200 people during the same period this year.

The same dynamics is among the self-employed people — their number has climbed by nearly 9,000 in five months compared to the same period in 2021.

Taxes paid to the budget of the Tatarstan go up together with a rise in the number of entrepreneurs. Income taxes paid to the city’s budget as a result of the activity of self-employed people in four months of 2022 was 93,6 million rubles. The total amount of taxes paid by small and mid-sized enterprises to the city budget in the first quarter was 1,5 billion rubles.

Small and mid-sized businesses traditionally receive public contracts — the total amount of purchases for the municipality from January to March this year surpassed 157 million rubles.

E-commerce has been demonstrating growth dynamics for several years in a row now, noted acting Chair of the Committee for Economic Development of the Kazan Executive Committee Guzel Mingazova. A change in consumer habits, greater popularity of online marketplaces became a stimulus for the growth of e-commerce in Kazan.

“In 2021, 9,583 Kazan online entrepreneurs sold products for 9,5 billion rubles, which was 41% of the number across the republic. Today 11,270 Kazan entrepreneurs successfully work at such marketplaces as Ozon, Wildberries and KazanExpress.”

Also, Kazan small business actively joined today’s topical import substitution programme. A catalogue created at the republican Marketing Centre includes over 122,000 goods and services, 70% of which can be supplied or provided by the city’s entrepreneurs.

It should be reminded that Tatarstan was in the top 10 regions in e-commerce turnover in the first quarter of the year. The republic’s number was 1,9%.

Angelina Panchenko

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