Kazan is awarded the bid to host the first 2024 Games of the Future in history

Kazan won the bid to host a new international tournament — the first Games of the Future 2021 in history. Vice Premier Dmitry Chernyshenko claimed this at Petersburg International Economic Forum.

“I congratulate Tatarstan on having the honourable right to host the first Games of the Future in history. It is a deserved win. A bit more than 1,5 years are left to the opening of the Games. We will have to do what nobody has ever done. Of course, it is a challenge. I am sure that Kazan will cope with its successfully and set a new standard to host spectacular sports events,” he said.

The competition is planned to be held for 9 days in 15 disciplines. More than 1,000 people will participate in it. More than 150 million of views are expected on streaming platforms.

Photo: realnoevremya.ru (archive)

Chernyshenko talked about hosting the first cybersport Games of the Future last December. Besides Tatarstan, 18 Russian regions were ready to host the competition in 2023.

Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Chelyabisnk, Tver. Novosibirsk, Kaluga, Rostov and Arkhangelsk oblasts, Tuva, Krasnoyarsk, Primorye, Perm, Krasnodar regions, Sirius federal territory and Sevastopol were among the candidates for having the event.

Tatiana Leukhina

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