SIBUR at Kazan National Research and Technological University: round-table talks, interviews, quiz

The petrochemical company and the university have agreed to jointly train students

Kazan National Research and Technological University has hosted SIBUR’s team to sign an agreement on training, launch of a federal programme Cutting-Edge Engineering Schools and to introduce their students to the potential employer. The university has hosted such a format of a job fair for the first time.

New stage of cooperation

The agreement on cooperation between SIBUR and KNRTU was signed on day two of the meeting. Acting Rector of KNRTU Yury Kazakov and Rustam Galiakhmetov, managing director of SIBUR (corporate university, technical committee) signed the document that encompasses the sides’ cooperation in joint development of educational programmes, research and further employment of graduates in the company’s enterprises.

“It is a milestone for us that means a new stage of cooperation in both research and staff training. We are launching the serious project Cutting-Edge Engineering Schools in Chemical Technologies together. SIBUR becomes our key partner. The essence of the project is in very close integration with the enterprise to prepare the real technological elite in master’s degree,” said Director for Investor Affairs at KNRTU Lyubov Osviyenko.

Vice Rector of Education at KNRTU Dilbar Sultanova talked about the project in detail:

“Cutting-Edge Engineering Schools will be announced by the Russian Ministry of Education, but we have already started the work. We present projects of three big labs: of a digital chemical enterprise, in petrochemistry and biopolymers. Every lab will be a interdisciplinary structure created by several departments.”

According to Sultanova, the programme will be aimed at the employees of the enterprise who will get an additional education, internships of our teachers in the enterprises and development of research the enterprise is interested in.

“The project is applicable. For instance, the university is developing a new chemical project, simultaneously with the research (and its introduction in the factories) we train master’s degree holders,” the vice rector of KNRTU explained.

Introductory practice in years one and two

“With the union between SIBUR and TAIF: Nizhnekamskneftekhim, Kazanorgsintez, TGC-16, the cooperation must be closer. It started to be established long before the merger was finalised. The signing of the agreement fixes the processes we have already started within an adopted road map,” noted Rustam Galiakhmetov.

The road map is being fulfilled. The Cutting-Edge Engineering Schools federal initiative that is created resonates with this road map in many ways and in general the company’s approach to the work on the training of young specialists.

“We know when teachers will come for internship here. They have already indicated what factories they want to see to improve the educational programme for our specifics when they go back to the university. And we also know that when we will return here to select students for a target programme. And we hope to have a significant number of listeners,” said Alexander Sesorov, head of the project Professional Development of the Fund for Effective Politics. The Work with Educational Institutions and Youth Specialists of SIBUR’s corporate university.

The possibility of engaging students into practical lessons on production sites is being considered now. Rustam Galiakhmetov believes that introductory practices are necessary in years one and two, before students choose a speciality.

Drive everywhere and optimal development trajectory

“We liked the format of the event very much. Even some competition between representatives of SIBUR subdivisions is seen: Tobolsk competed with Kstovo and so on. This drive was felt everywhere, each of them tried to be interested for students. It is a good format allowing students to choose the optimal development trajectory for themselves,” noted Vice Rector of Education at KNRTU Dilbar Sultanova.

The familiarisation of students with SIBUR was as dynamic as possible on both days: if it was a story about the company, it was questions and answers, if it was a round-table talk, it was a dialogue. People who attended SIBUR Day and KNRTU united in teams to participate in a quiz. Everybody, including SIBUR employees, could participate in the quiz.

“According to the experience with other universities, I didn’t expect such an effect from our conversation. This doesn’t always happen this way. I am very happy both about the number of students and the amount of questions,” Alexander Sesorov shared his impressions. SIBUR Day at KNRTU ended with an interview. It was also based on a trust-based format that was created during two days.

“This is an opportunity to talk and learn more about each other. The programme is a great opportunity for professional development: to continue studying at university, take additional courses at SIBURINTECH in hard and soft skills, do a practice and come here with a skilled job, high competence to get a high salary after completing the training in the university,” HR Director at SIBUR Kstovo Liana Kuzminykh shared in a talk with journalists.

“I want to learn more”

“There is a research institute supported by SIBUR in Kazan. I love my city, I would like to work on SIBUR’s team in Kazan,” says Alexey Borisov, year four student of KNRTU’s Faculty of Environmental, Technological and Information Safety.

Aygul Afletova, year four student of the Institute of Polymers at KNRTU, already participated in one of SIBUR’s programmes. “I want to learn more about where I can development at SIBUR in the future besides ZapSibNekhftekhim,” says Aygul.

Year one student in master’s degree in the Institute of Polymers Emil Akhmadullin links his future with SIBUR: “It is a large company, and I want to see myself in it. I wonder what they offer and where I can go with my speciality. I am inclined to Kstovo more, to the ethylene plant.”

Arseny Favstritsky

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