Tatarstan government creates task force to accommodate Donetsk and Luhansk citizens

Tatarstan government creates task force to accommodate Donetsk and Luhansk citizens
Photo: (archive)

Health centres are ready to welcome the refugees

A task force to coordinate the temporary accommodation of forcedly displaced people was created in the Tatarstan government. First Vice Prime Minister of the republic Rustam Nigmatullin chaired it, said head of the Tatarstan president’s press service Liliya Galimova.

The first meeting of the task force was in the Cabinet of Ministers on 21 February. It included representatives of the Ministry for Civic Defence and Emergencies, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Protection, Ministry of Transport and Road, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Youth Affairs, ombudsmen for human rights and children’s rights and so on.

It was said at the meeting that 1,000 people coming from the Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic were ready to be received. Santa, Zhemchuzhina, Livadia, Vasilyevsky health centres were chosen to accommodate them. They are completely ready.

A train with the refugees was going to arrive in Tatarstan soon. Upon their arrival in Kazan, the people will go to their temporary place of residence by bus. They will be provided with hot meals and medical advice if needed.


There are a lot of children and women among them, therefore at the meeting the task force was asked to actively work with related ministries and agencies to provide the necessary assistance.

The task force informs Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov about the situation.

Humanitarian relief and accommodate in not indifferent Kazan citizens’ homes

Humanitarian assistance started to be prepared in Tatarstan for the refugees from the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. Also, it is planned to create a task force in the republic to provide the refugees with legal advice.

The Tatarstan authorities announced the readiness to help the citizens of the DPR and LPR as early as Saturady. President of the republic Rustam Minnikhanov tasked the government of the region to elaborate the issue of providing the evacuated people with help: to organise temporary accommodation places, provide food, medical advice if needed.

As of 21 February morning, about 61,000 refugees of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. crossed the Russian border. Some Russian regions are declaring an emergency due to this. The Russian government allocated 5 billion rubles to finance the authorities of Rostov Oblast to pay the Donbass citizens 10,000 rubles evacuated in this area.

Also, Russia launched a project where not indifferent citizens can invite refugees from the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics to their homes named Map of Help. Tatarstan residents can also participate in it. Three such proposals have already appeared in Kazan. The evacuation of DPR and LPR citizens began last Friday. The authorities of the self-proclaimed republics had claimed the upcoming attack of Ukrainian forces.

Tatiana Leukhina

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