Offices of small IT companies at Innopolis to be shrunk to coworking

The only technopark in the territory of the science city of Innopolis is filled at more than 70%, but the construction of the second site is still far from being completed

Innopolis SEZ has recently got seven new resident companies and two partner companies. The total investment will be more than 12 billion rubles, and the number of jobs created will overcome the mark of 1,300. About what projects the beginners are going to develop in Tatarstan and whether they will fit in the yet only functioning technopark of the science city — read in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

New projects from Rosenergoatom’s subsidiary

The decision to grant the status of residents and partners to nine new companies was made within the framework of the meeting of the supervisory board of Innopolis SEZ. As Deputy Prime Minister on Digital Economy the Republic of Tatarstan Roman Shaykhutdinov said, the supervisory board approved seven resident companies and two partner companies involved in the development of products with the use of IT in logistics, medicine, information security and means of communication. It should be noted that the difference between a partner and a resident is that the former pay all taxes and the latter enjoy benefits under the law on SEZ.

According to the data provided by the press service of Innopolis SEZ, the total investment volume in new companies will exceed 12 billion rubles, and the number of jobs created will overcome the mark of 1,300. Among the resident companies, there are NNG Kazan PLC, Megis Kazan PLC, SDS Telekom PLC, Transparent Technology PLC, GDC Services PLC, Intelligent Video Analytics PLC, BPM Environment PLC. The new partners are Gazpromneft-Snabzhenie — the subsidiary of Gazprom Neft, as well as CONSIST-OS CJSC — the subsidiary of Concern Rosenergoatom JSC.

After the meeting of the supervisory board of Innopolis SEZ, several newcomers agreed to talk to journalists and told about their projects in more detail. For example, Director General of CONSIST-OS Mikhail Lysachev announced that his company invested in the initial phase about 70 million roubles plans to take on the implementation of the agreement between Rosenergoatom and Innopolis for the construction of data centres.

Let us remind that the trilateral cooperation agreement between Rosenergoatom, Innopolis SEZ and IT Park State Autonomous Institution was signed on the sidelines of the conference Digital Industry of Industrial Russia at the end of May. Innopolis has already allocated a site for the construction of the centre, but the financial and technical parameters of the project are still under development.

“We are creating a branch here, we are starting activities within the branch. When the construction of the data centre starts, it is possible to join Innopolis as a resident. Most likely, a separate legal entity will be created there,” says Mikhail Lysachev. “In addition, we plan to create here a digital technology centre for the development of systems for predicting the behaviour of equipment based on available data. This project will improve the safety of nuclear power plants and service the equipment as the necessity arises and predict its failures in advance.”

Foreign residents and IT in medicine

Also, foreign resident Megis Kazan PLC entered Innopolis SEZ with the investment amount of 300 million rubles. This company has developed the product Cube mobile to ensure the security of smartphones in the corporate segment.

“Our system is installed in the smartphone of each individual employee of the company or department. You get both a personal mobile device and a virtual office phone inside your smartphone. The system is centrally managed by the organization itself. It creates a single and secure environment for communication between employees. At the moment, we are focused on corporations and the public sector, but in the future the use in the private market is possible,” said the head of the company, Lior Navekh.

The second foreign resident is NNG, which develops software for automotive, corporate, wireless and personal navigation. The head of the Russian representative office of NNG David Chubashvilli, who has worked in our republic for a long time, made it “friends” with Tatarstan: “We invited representatives of NNG to Tatarstan, and they liked everything here, including the platform, which is in Innopolis. For this reason, the choice fell on this special economic zone.”

The investments in the amount of 130 million rubles will come from the Russian company SDS Telecom, which combines IT technology and medicine. According to Director General of the enterprise Aleksey Chernousov, the project, being launched in Innopolis, will be associated with systems of informing patients and interacting with them. The second direction is the creation of systems based on AI in the analysis of x-ray images.

The technopark is running out of places

In total, the companies will be allocated an area of about 1,400 square metres — in the technopark named after Popov. Until yesterday, it housed 79 residents, and now their number has increased to 86. At the same time, at the end of 2018, it was reported that the technopark was already filled at more than 70%. Realnoe Vremya asked Roman Shaykhutdinov whether there were still places on the first site.

“There has left a small number of places in the technopark named after Popov. The team of the management company proposed a new approach to improving the efficiency of the use of space: coworking will be organized for very young companies or companies that are emerging from the university today,” said the deputy prime minister for digital economy of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In 2017, it was reported that the second technopark, named after mathematician Nikolai Lobachevsky, would be built in Innopolis by the middle of 2018. At the same time, looking at the current state of the building, we can conclude that the construction is still far from being completed. Commenting on this issue, Roman Shaykhutdinov said that at the moment the procedure for defining the timing of the launch of the technopark is underway.

Also, two years earlier it became known that Kazan Production and Construction Association of Ravil Ziganshin was chosen as the contractor, the total area of the technopark would be 30,000 square metres, and the number of jobs — 1,500. According to the source of Realnoe Vremya in Innopolis SEZ, these parameters have undergone a number of changes and now the new project documentation is being prepared.

By Lina Sarimova. Photo:

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