Rustam Minnikhanov: “The tradition to celebrate in Nizhnekamsk is well established, and I hope we will continue to meet there”

The president of Tatarstan congratulated the employees of the industry on Chemist Day

The chemical industry of the Republic of Tatarstan produced products at 332,9 billion rubles in 2018. The figures were announced at Republican Chemist Day, which was celebrated in Nizhnekamsk. This year, the festival has been dedicated to the first director of the chemical plant, Nikolay Lemaev — he built the enterprise that has become known worldwide and laid the foundation of the petrochemical industry in the republic. Read all the details in the report of Realnoe Vremya.

90 years since the birth of the first director of the chemical plant, Nikolay Lemaev

November marks 90 years since the birth of the first director of the chemical plant, Nikolay Lemaev, so this year Republican Chemist Day is devoted to him. The installation in tribute to him was installed at the entrance to the palace. “In the open field, he built the unique plant and created the new innovative industry in the republic — petrochemistry,” the stand says.

Today Nizhnekamsk is the capital of petrochemical industry of Tatarstan, that is why seven years ago the celebration of Republican Chemist Day was moved there by the decision of the president. Traditionally on this day, President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan — Minister of Industry and Trade of Tatarstan Albert Karimov, Director General of TAIF PSC Albert Shigabutdinov, Director General of Tatneft PJSC Nail Maganov, Director General of Tatneftekhiminvest-holding JSC Rafinat Yarullin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC Ruslan Shigabutdinov, Director General of Nizhnekamskneftehim PJSC Azat Bikmurzin and other executives come there.

Firstly, the guests visited the exhibition of industrial enterprises of Tatarstan, where the companies presented their latest developments. Rustam Minnikhanov looked over the exhibition and stopped near the stand of Khimgrad industrial park.

“Our resident produces vehicle acoustic systems. It has a whole range of music speakers, this is the biggest — it weighs 55 kilogrammes,” director general of Khimgrad industrial park Ayrat Gizzatullin showed a huge speaker. “Young people love loud music.”

“How many decibels?” Rustam Minnikhanov asked trying to raise the speaker.

“150 decibels.”

“That'll make you deaf,” the president smiled.

“Some people think that all the results appear with a wave of a magic wand, but they are not”

Then the official part of the event began, where the results of the industry were announced. In general, the petrochemical complex of Tatarstan produces more than 11% of the total Russian volume of chemical products. The republic produces 44% of synthetic rubber, 42% of polystyrene, 55% of polystyrene, 26% of tires, 100% of polycarbonate, more than 12% of synthetic detergents. In 2018, the index of industrial production amounted to 105,3%, the enterprises shipped products at 332,9 billion rubles. At the same time, the republic continues to increase production. In 2018, the production of synthetic detergents increased by 2,1%, of synthetic rubbers — by 1,8%, of mineral fertilizers — by 1,7%, of plastics in primary forms — by 0,6%. Eighty-two per cent of rubbers, 19% of plastics and 8% of tires, which were produced in the country, were exported.

“Some people think that all the results appear with a wave of a magic wand, but they are not. It is a huge, hellish work, the highest, constantly growing professionalism, constantly developing thought and creativity. And of course, a lot of patience, I'd say a hell of patience. Sometimes they even feel utterly discouraged from the amount of work which is carried out, but people of strong will who are sitting in this hall undertook the business,” Director General of TAIF PSC Albert Shigabutdinov told.

Rewarding industry workers is the tradition of the holiday. This time, the winners of the nomination “Veteran of Chemical Industry” were first to take to the stage. Among them, there were three employees of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC — it is tyre assembler at the assembly department Gulseren Vafin, distillation apparatchik at the plant for the production of synthetic rubber Favzat Agliev, manager of the production and technical department of the butyl rubber plant Tatiana Gordeeva, as well as process unit operator at TAIF-NK refinery Valery Spiridonov and apparatchik of chemical water purification at Kazanorgsintez Elena Gubaydullina.

Four employees of Nizhnekamskneftekhim — participants of WorldSkills Russia final

For those who work hard every day on innovations, there was the nomination “Scientists, Industrialists, Innovators of Production”. Among the winners — head of the research laboratory of ethylene oxide and propylene at the scientific and technological centre of Nizhnekamskneftekhim Rafael Sharifullin. He joined the company in 1998, and over this time 30 rationalization proposals for improving the company's production were submitted and implemented with his participation. He says that he chose his profession already in high school and he cannot imagine himself in any other field.

“My profession is a way of life, way of thinking. Since I work in the research and technological centre, it is a creative work. I need to constantly invent something new, improve,” Rafael Sharifullin shared.

All those who work at Nizhnekamskneftekhim continue the legacy of the first director of the chemical plant, Nikolay Lemaev, Director General of Nizhnekamskneftekhim Azat Bikmurzin believes. Aged 34, Lemaev headed the chemical plant and devoted 22 years to its construction and development.

“One can see that his plans have been realised. Nizhnekamskneftekhim has become a world-renowned company, and Nizhnekamsk is a beautiful, cosy and very kind city. His merit is undoubtedly very great, but I think that without colleagues and hundreds of thousands of people who built the plant — it would be impossible. The new generation continues the endeavours that were undertaken in the sixties,” said Director General of Nizhnekamskneftekhim Azat Bikmurzin.

Now young employees of the company set a new bar — four employees of the company took part in the final of the VII national championship WorldSkills Russia. According to its results, the apparatchik of the plant for the production of divinнl and hydrocarbon raw materials, Rail Abdullin, was the first in the competence of “Production from Polymeric Materials”.

“I did not expect that I would win because the competition was great, everyone was preparing. Moscow teams were under pressure, it was very hard to perform. First, we had the draw, after which the plan was determined — the time at which one performed,” Rail Abdullin shared with the correspondent of Realnoe Vremya.

Rail Abdullin, as well as other participants, were awarded in the nomination “The Future of the Industry”. The winners of the republican contest “Leader in the field of processing of polymer products in Tatarstan” were also marked at the celebration of Chemist Day. The top three winners include Kazanorgsintez PJSC, which won in the nomination “Leader of Innovation”.

“Chemistry is the most important branch of Tatarstan economy, the basis of well-being. We have already implemented serious projects, and large enterprises are setting new ambitious plans. But small businesses and medium-sized companies are nipping at their heels, which are also actively developing,” said Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan — Minister of Industry and Trade of Tatarstan Albert Karimov.

“Young people who take the leading places in our country and will participate in the world championships are the basis”

“Chemicals and petrochemicals are the points of growth not only in the republic but in the whole country,” President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov said, getting up on stage.

“It is very pleasant that we remember today Nikolay Vasilyevich Lemaev and those people who laid the foundation of chemistry and petrochemistry not only of the republic but in general of all country. Huge words of gratitude to the veterans who are with us, and those who no longer exist. Of course, this work will be continued. We see young people who occupy leading positions in our country and will participate in the world championships. This is the basis we have, our pride and our potential. I sincerely congratulate everyone on this holiday. The tradition of holding the holiday in Nizhnekamsk is well established, and I hope that we will continue to meet there,” said President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.

Those who devoted their lives to the profession were awarded the honorary title “Honoured Chemist of the Republic of Tatarstan”. The award was presented by President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov. The medal was awarded to three employees of Nizhnekamskneftekhim: apparatchik of production of chemical reagents of the oligomer and glycol plant Nail Aglyamov, leading repair engineer of the chief mechanic's group Valentina Zaripova, deputy head of the catalyst production shop Petr Troshin, as well as employees of TAIF-NK and Kazanorgsintez.

By Ksenia Zharkova. Photo: Rinat Nazmetdinov

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