Source of manpower: 80% of graduates of Kazan petrochemical college work at Kazanorgsintez

The most popular specialty at the Kazan Petrochemical College — mechanic-repairman

The Kazan Petrochemical College named after V.P. Lushnikov has prepared qualified personnel for Kazanorgsintez PJSC since 1961. Over this time, the college has graduated about 16,000 specialists. Last year, 68 workers and 44 mid-level specialists graduated from the educational institution. Ildar Shamsutdinov, the director of the Kazan Petrochemical College, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, told Realnoe Vremya about the demand for working specialties, geography of students and the victory in the regional championship WorldSkills.

16k qualified specialists over 57 years

Mr Shamsutdinov, how is the work of the Petrochemical College arranged with Kazanorgsintez PJSC today?

The Kazan Petrochemical College named after V.P. Lushnikov has prepared the manpower for Kazanorgsintez since 1961. The company and the college has signed an agreement on joint activities for 2018-2022. Within the cooperation, we provide the enterprise with highly qualified personnel. The workers and specialists can take advanced training or retraining courses on the basis of the college. The students do their practical training at Kazanorgsintez.

How many workers and specialists have graduated over 57 years of existence of the college?

About 16,000 skilled workers and experts have been prepared over 57 years. Last year, the college graduated 68 workers and 44 mid-level specialists.

Do you keep track of the fate of your students? What percentage of graduates go to work to Kazanorgsintez, and how many people continue to study at universities?

We do, certainly. Most of our graduates go to work for the plant. About 20% continue their studies in higher professional education, often combining work with study.

What professions does the college prepare? What was the competition in the college in 2017?

The college trains workers in the following professions: apparatus operator and operator of the production of inorganic substances; machinist of process pumps and compressors; laboratory technician of chemical analysis; mechanic for the control and measuring instrument and automation; mechanic (mechanic-repairman). The college trains the middle-level specialists in the following specialties: installation and technical operation of industrial equipment; chemical technology of organic substances; automation of technological processes and productions; information systems and applied informatics.

In 2015, the college started to train research assistant ecologists. Their duties include studying the sources of environment pollution, monitoring compliance with the rules and regulations on environmental protection.

What direction is in great demand among students?

The competition for the specialty ''mechanic for the control and measuring instrument and automation'' is two people per place, for the specialty ''installation and technical operation of industrial equipment'' and ''chemical technology of organic substances'' — up to three people per place. The most demanded profession is the mechanic-repairman.

''WorldSkills standards exam is an effective tool for including students in production''

Applicants from which regions of Russia choose the Kazan Petrochemical College? Has the geography of students changed over time?

Last year, 58% of students lived in Kazan, 31% — in the regions of the Republic of Tatarstan, 9% — in the regions of the Russian Federation: Kirov Oblast, the Republic of Mari El, the Chuvash Republic, Udmurtia, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Chelyabinsk, Khanty-Mansiysk, Orenburg Oblast, 2% — foreign citizens from Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan.

It is known that the college had difficulties with halls of residence for students. Has this problem been solved?

Within walking distance of the college there is the hall of residence of GKF-Group PLC, with which it has been signed an agreement for accommodation of students.

How are the workers of Kazanorgsintez engaged in the education process? Does the enterprise support the college financially?

Eight highly qualified specialists of Kazanorgsintez PJSC teach specialized interdisciplinary courses in the college. In 2007, the enterprise carried out major repairs of the college building at the amount of 62,9 million rubles, the computer classes were equipped at the amount of 6,2 million rubles. Kazanorgsintez's employees carry out routine inspection and technical maintenance of the equipment of the college.

The Kazan Petrochemical College is switching from traditional exams for college graduates and technical schools to demonstration exams according to WorldSkills standards. What are the advantages of the exams by WorldSkills standards?

The WorldSkills standards' demonstration exam is an effective tool for engaging students in production activities. The representatives of the employer can assess the level of training of the graduates, have the opportunity at an early stage to set requirements for personnel, which significantly reduces the period of adaptation of the young employee in the workplace and brings his or her competence to real needs of the enterprise.

In 2017, the college took part in the regional championship Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia) of the Republic of Tatarstan. What are the results of the championship?

In 2017, at the regional championship of WorldSkills, held from 27 to 29 November, our student Natalia Polievtova took the third place in the skill ''laboratory chemical analysis''. WorldSkills Championships – it is the platform that the system of vocational education of the Republic of Tatarstan can and should use for its development and training of workers and engineers of the industrial enterprise.

By Ekaterina Gumarova. Photo: Roman Khasaev

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