SMEs representatives in Tatarstan deterred by loan rates and staff scarcity, while number of companies growing

In five years, the number of SMEs has increased by 15%

SMEs representatives in Tatarstan deterred by loan rates and staff scarcity, while number of companies growing
Photo: Максим Платонов

In Tatarstan, the number of SMEs has increased over the past five years, with an increase of 15%. At the same time, there is no objective reason for this, the expert expressed his opinion in a conversation with Realnoe Vremya — such statistics loom in contrast with the pandemic years. He noted that the situation in the region is stable, and growth is systematic and does not depend on external circumstances. At the same time, the main problems of entrepreneurs are taxes, loan rates and staff shortages. For more information, see the publication's material.

A growth in the number of SMEs

In Tatarstan, the number of SMEs has increased by 15% in five years, while in Russia the figure was 11%. This was announced at a meeting of the Committee of the State Council of the Republic on Economy, Investment and Entrepreneurship by Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs Farid Abdulganiev.

“This shows that we are better than the average in Russia, as well as the attractiveness of doing business in the republic," he said.

In Tatarstan, the number of SMEs has increased by 15% in five years, while in Russia the figure was 11%. This was announced at a meeting of the Committee of the State Council of the Republic on Economy, Investment and Entrepreneurship by the Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights under the Rais Farid Abdulganiev. Динар Фатыхов /

According to the survey, 33% of Tatarstan entrepreneurs do not experience a shortage of personnel, 12.5% were able to solve this problem on their own.

“However, half of the entrepreneurs in the survey noted that this factor negatively affects the implementation of their activities," Abdulganiev said.

In total, 178,200 small and medium-sized businesses operated in Tatarstan in 2024, with year-on-year growth of 3.3%.

Entrepreneurs are afraid of changes in the tax system

According to the press service of Abdulganiev, the turnover of Tatarstan SMEs in 2024 amounted to 2.8 trillion rubles. In 2023, the amount was by 10.3% less. At the same time, the growth over the past 5 years has reached 86.4%.

“Tax revenues in 2024 reached 232.9 billion rubles, which is 20.9% of the total tax revenues of the region. This suggests that most entrepreneurs have been able to adapt to the new economic conditions, rebuild logistics and find new partners," the press service added.

According to the press service of Abdulganiev, the turnover of Tatarstan SMEs in 2024 amounted to 2.8 trillion rubles. Елизавета Пуншева /

According to the survey, republican entrepreneurs are cautious about the changes in taxation that came into force on January 1, 2025. 52.9% of entrepreneurs voted for this answer. At the beginning of the year, we recall that a progressive personal income tax and VAT scale was introduced for entrepreneurs working under the simplified taxation system, as well as income tax rates were increased.

Another 46% of respondents noted that the development of SMEs is hindered by the uncertainty of the economic situation, and 42.8% — by an increase in loan rates. The top 5 factors also included a decline in domestic demand (39.9%) and an increase in the cost of raw materials (31.3%).

“Over the past five years (2020-2024), we have received more than 27,700 requests, including 1,878 in 2024. In 75% of cases, we managed to protect the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs. At the same time, everyone who applied received the necessary consulting or expert support," the press service assured.

“There is no objective reason for the increase in the number of SMEs in Tatarstan”

It is noteworthy that the expert of Realnoe Vremya, an economist, entrepreneur and former executive director of the regional branch of Opora Russia, Artyom Naumov, did not see any reasons for an increase in the number of SMEs in Tatarstan. According to him, the growth is planned and does not depend on external circumstances, such as support measures.

“There is no objective reason for the increase in the number of SMEs in Tatarstan. There is no such thing as a dramatic improvement in the quality of the business climate in the republic, and growth has occurred. The situation is stable, and 15% in five years is about 3% per year. Not much," he explained.

Naumov suggested that such statistics stand in contrast to the pandemic years, when many small and medium-sized companies shut down. And after the situation stabilised and the business adapted to the new conditions, new representatives of SMEs began to appear.

Naumov suggested that such statistics stand in contrast to the pandemic years, when many small and medium-sized companies shut down. Максим Платонов /

According to the speaker, the most favourable conditions in Tatarstan have developed for SMEs in the IT sector — the developed infrastructure and federal support measures have helped here:

“At the same time, the field for work has expanded here — foreign companies have left, they need to be replaced urgently. The active phase of import substitution has begun, and the state has joined in.”

As for the problems of small and medium-sized businesses, there are no difficulties specific to Tatarstan. They are common to all Russian companies, the source is sure.

“The number one problem is, of course, finances. Even a year and a half ago, when the interest rate on the loan was 16-17%, it was fine. Now the rate starts from 24%. Now, when you take out a business loan, you are no longer working for yourself, but for the bank," he said.

The second problem is personnel:

“But this story is more inherent not to the microbusiness, but rather to the average one. Medium-sized companies need to fill new needs and vacancies. At the same time, they don't have as much money as the big ones.”

Elizaveta Punsheva

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