‘This may worsen the situation’: Russia wants to allow women to go on maternity leave at any stage of pregnancy

‘This may worsen the situation’: Russia wants to allow women to go on maternity leave at any stage of pregnancy
Photo: Максим Платонов

“This may increase gender discrimination," said Aygul Chivikova, the head of the recruitment department at Yuvika, about the new initiative of the State Duma. Deputies are preparing to introduce a new bill, which proposes to allow women to go on maternity leave at any stage of pregnancy. According to Realnoe Vremya experts, there will be several pitfalls, including the reluctance of employers to hire young women. However, as Children's Ombudsman of Tatarstan Irina Volynets stated, this problem can be solved. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Proposal to go on maternity leave for any period of time

State Duma deputies are preparing a bill that proposes to allow women to go on maternity leave at any stage of pregnancy from the moment of registration with a maternity welfare centre. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the relevant document.

“During the Christmas parliamentary meetings in the State Duma, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill made an absolutely correct proposal — to extend maternity leave to the first trimester of pregnancy. Our faction proposes to expand and legislate this initiative. We have developed amendments that allow expectant mothers to go on maternity leave for virtually any period of time, with the payment of maternity benefits," Sergey Mironov, the author of the bill, told the agency.

At the same time, the bill implies early entry into maternity leave only if the woman wishes.

State Duma deputies are preparing a bill that proposes to allow women to go on maternity leave at any stage of pregnancy from the moment of registration with a maternity welfare centre. freestocks на Unsplash

According to Mironov, maternity leave will be granted at the request of a woman and on the basis of an issued disability certificate from the moment of registration at a maternity welfare centre. The deadline for the end of the leave remains the same — 70 days after delivery (86 days in case of complicated labour, 110 days in case of multiple pregnancies).

Currently, doctors recommend that women register for pregnancy before 12 weeks, preferably in the first trimester, which corresponds to 7-9 obstetric weeks. The authors of the initiative believe that registration in the first trimester and maternity leave at the same time will allow timely diagnosis, take measures to preserve pregnancy, predict potential complications during pregnancy and minimise them, identify women in need of hospitalisation, and ensure their recovery.

Market feminisation

The initiative is aimed at improving the health of women and the fetus, as well as increasing the birth rate. However, it is too early to analyse the likelihood of meeting these goals at the moment, Aygul Civikova, the head of the recruitment department at Yuvika, expressed her opinion in a conversation with Realnoe Vremya.

However, the bill carries a number of risks:

  • reducing the percentage of the working population;
  • increasing gender discrimination in employment;
  • increasing the financial burden on the employer;
  • increasing a woman's professional pause;
  • reduced professional skills.

At the same time, Chivikova noted that at the moment the problem of gender discrimination is not acute, especially in connection with the market feminisation.

“No, it's a natural consequence of the changed circumstances. Every labour market participant will always try to reduce their risks. Perhaps if this initiative is adopted not as mandatory, but as recommended, taking into account the interests of the employer (following the example of the law on inclusivity), then the risks will be lower," she answered the question of whether it is possible to avoid discrimination if the law is adopted.

At the same time, Chivikova noted that at the moment the problem of gender discrimination is not acute, especially in connection with the market feminisation.

In general, the expert assured that the market is able to adapt to any circumstances, but it takes time.

“For my part, I cannot analyse the probability of an increase in the birth rate if this law is passed. Here one can answer with a phrase that doctors often use when prescribing medications to pregnant women: “The use of the drug is possible only if the intended benefit to the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus," she summed up.

“It will be difficult without state support”

Irina Volynets, Children's Ombudsman of Tatarstan, agreed with some of the risks that accompany the draft law. In her opinion, employers are indeed sometimes less willing to hire young women.

“This (law — ed.) can really make the situation worse if employers are not given some additional benefits. Naturally, companies, especially private ones, are not very happy about long vacations for employees. Our economy is going through a difficult period, and it will be difficult without government support. It would be possible to introduce tax breaks for companies that employ women on maternity leave," she suggested.

In addition, according to Volynets, it is possible to provide women in the early stages of pregnancy not with a full-fledged vacation, but with relief in the form of shorter working hours or remote work.

“The employer is afraid that he will hire an employee, and she will go on maternity leave. But let's start with that we have a crisis in the labour market right now. Therefore, many employers no longer reject women for these reasons. Moreover, many people continue to perform their duties even on maternity leave. At the same time, sometimes childless people turn out to be irresponsible employees," Volynets emphasised.

Динар Фатыхов / realnoevremya.ru

In general, the children's ombudsman fully supports this initiative:

“It's great that no one obliges a woman to go on maternity leave and she can choose for herself. Everyone feels differently during pregnancy, some are able to work, some are not. Sometimes pathologies occur altogether. Well, sometimes there are no pathologies and a woman just constantly wants to sleep and spend time at home. This is normal. Her whole body is being rebuilt at this moment.

Elizaveta Punsheva

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