Kazan Airport to get a checkpoint building and an updated parking lot for almost 200 million by BRICS summit

Kazan Airport to get a checkpoint building and an updated parking lot for almost 200 million by BRICS summit
Photo: Максим Платонов

It is planned to build a new checkpoint and upgrade the parking lot at Kazan International Airport. They intend to implement the project by the end of this summer. Considerable funds have been allocated for its implementation — almost 200 million rubles. As Realnoe Vremya found out, the checkpoint of the air harbour will be a building with an area of almost 400 square metres. What else is going to appear on the territory of the airport during 2024 on the eve of the BRICS summit — in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Project is to be completed by the end of this summer

The Kazan International Airport named after Gabdulla Tukay is going to invest 186 million rubles in the construction of a checkpoint building with a checkpoint and passage to the service area. For this money, the air harbour will develop a project for the facility and implement its construction.

According to the customer's idea, the building should have a total area of 380 square metres. The area of the gateway for the passage of vehicles is 370 square metres. The checkpoint has the following requirements: it must work around the clock and year-round in two shifts of 12 hours. It is necessary to provide parking on the territory of the checkpoint, improve its territory, make driveways and sidewalks, green everything around and put small architectural forms. The parking and travel area should be 5.150 square metres. The area of sidewalks with asphalt concrete pavement is 1000 square metres. The area of landscaping is 850 square metres.

Besides, designers are required to ensure that the checkpoint include:

  • the control room;
  • personal inspection room;
  • security post;
  • the room for the duty shift of Rosgvardiya;
  • pass office (with a pass registration area);
  • archive;
  • a rest and meal room;
  • bathrooms;
  • auxiliary and engineering rooms.

The airport wants to see its building as one-story, and its height will be determined when designing the facility.

There will be three turnstiles in the building: two are intended for entry, one will stand at the exit. An arched metal detector, an X-ray television installation and an Amber radiation monitoring installation will also be installed there.

The building itself will be built of brick based on a frame of reinforced concrete columns, and the facades will be made of stained glass systems and composite materials.

The construction of the facility is planned to be completed in August 2024.

The airport will get a new terminal

It should be added that in February of this year, the concept of the third passenger terminal of Kazan airport was presented at the board meeting of the Ministry of Transport of Tatarstan. They want to build a new building in the form of an open book, since the airport is named after Tatar writer Gabdulla Tukay.

The master plan for the development of the airport until 2050 was adopted in 2022. It provides for the construction of passenger and postal cargo terminals, a maintenance hangar, as well as the expansion of the passenger platform and the renovation of all related infrastructure.

“The works are supposed to be carried out in two stages. At the first stage, design and construction and installation works on the platform are planned, at the second stage — design and construction and installation works of the new passenger terminal," said Minister of Transport and Road Management of the Republic of Tatarstan Farit Khanifov.

He stressed that last year all three airports of Tatarstan transported more than 5.8 million passengers, which is an increase of 25.3% compared to 2022. The Kazan Airport alone served 5 million people — for the first time in the history of civil aviation in the region. And this is twice its design capacity, the speaker said.

“We are turning into a major aviation hub. The load on the airport is growing. Therefore, we need to carefully look at the quality of service. And the most important thing is the new terminal. Its construction should already begin this year. We will hold major events. Of course, we need a large parking lot for aircraft. A new platform is also needed for the further development of the airport. This year it should be built," noted the rais of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov.

New platform is to be built at the airport for BRICS summit

Besides, for the BRICS summit, which will be held in Kazan at the end of October 2024, a new platform will be built at the airport, which will accommodate 33 wide-body aircraft. The first stage of the project will be implemented by October 1 this year. Approximately 8 billion rubles will be allocated for the construction of a new platform with an area of 300 thousand square metres.

According to Deputy Minister of Transport of Russia Vasily Desyatkov, in the near future, together with the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Tatarstan and the airport management, a discussion of the financing scheme for the project will be held and the start dates will be set.

Currently, Kazan airport can accommodate 12 wide-body aircraft.

Alexander Zaripov

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