Respiratory infection and flu incidence is 73% up in Kazan

Respiratory infection and flu incidence is 73% up in Kazan
Photo: Repin (archive)

The incidence of acute viral respiratory infections and flu is 73% up in Kazan. Vice head of the republic’s Health Care Ministry and head of the city’s Health Care Office Vladimir Zhavoronkov said at a Business Monday meeting.

“The Kazan health care system has notes a rise in the acute viral respiratory infections and flu in the last four weeks. The total incidence of acute viral respiratory infections and flu is 73% above the average number in the last 50 weeks in the city.”

According to him, 21.987 cases of flu and respiratory infections were diagnosed in the capital of Tatarstan last week. The growth pace reached 152% compared to the previous seven days. Nazmetdinov (archive)

Last week, Vladimir Zhavoronkov saud the health care system in Tatarstan noted a strained situation in the incidence of acute viral respiratory infections. The turnout in hospitals abd outpatient institutions as well as ambulance calls significantly rose.

Tatiana Dyomina

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