‘Tatarstan is entering winter with many roads under construction’

How road workers of the republic are finishing the year of a record-high road construction and preparing for an intense winter season

‘Tatarstan is entering winter with many roads under construction’
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Dmitry Reznov (archive)

Over 210 billion rubles have been spent in Tatarstan this year on the construction, repair and reconstruction of roads. Moreover, the amount of work turned out to be bigger than in 2022. However, this far from being the ceiling because the sum of costs can rise to 217 billion by December. In particular, because the repair of some areas will have to be completed in winter, while the load on them will increase. These issues and many other were discussed at a briefing dedicated to a road programme and preparation of road organisations for winter on 21 November Realnoe Vremya’s correspondent listened to.

“We thought it to be around 205-210 billion”

Tatarstan Minister of Transport and Road Farit Khanifov who announced the results of the work done opened the meeting. According to him, the sum spent on road works lived up to the expectations: “We thought it to be around 205-210 billion.” Over 81,1 billion rubles have been spent within regional programmes. Another 23,4 billion rubles came from the federal budget and another 1,3 billion — from the municipal road budget. As the head of the Road Ministry assured the audience, the costs can increase by the end of the year.

“I would like to mention that the preparation for winter has a number of peculiarities we will have to take into consideration. Firstly, we are entering winter after building quite a big number of roads, including federal roads. They are maintained by our constructors and customers properly, but they anyway should be given great attention. Thirdly, like in 2022, we are entering winter with many roads under construction. This has an impact,” Khanifov claimed.

As for federal roads, according to Khanifov, works on construction and renovation of 106 roads are over. 70 areas (92%) of them are fully completed, the works in the rest are coming to an end. As the minister noted, the completion last year was 86% (6% less). “This year we are finishing the season faster,” he stressed.

realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov

No risks in sight

However, the current snowstorm is making amendments not only to the construction or renovation but also the operation of roads.

According to the road minister, Tatarstan signed long-term agreements on road maintenance in winter with 11 contractors. They have 1,148 snow machinery at their disposal.

realnoevremya.ru/Dmitry Reznov (archive)

“All the necessary amount of materials are prepared to maintain roads in Tatarstan in winter. It is 427,000 tonnes of sand and salt mix and 97,000 industrial salt. All these are a bit above the average amount, this is why we don’t see big risks here.”

Also, 54 anti-slip material bases, 63 warm car parks for machinery and 59 places for workers’ duty and leisure time. Weather data is illustrated from 28 weather stations located near roads.

Maxim Kokunin

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