Tatarstan to start monitoring socialisation of underage orphans

Tatarstan to start monitoring socialisation of underage orphans
Photo: Tikhonov (archive)

Tatarstan authorities have developed a draft of a decree on monitoring and providing support to underage orphans with successful socialisation, Realnoe Vremya found out. Nowadays a dedicated document is undergoing an anti-corruption inspection.

It is going to be monitored in six key indicators:

  • health — the share of underage orphans who have a disability or mental disorders is determined;
  • employment — the share of underage orphans who work, run an entrepreneurial activity and work as natural persons using a special tax regime Professional Income Tax is determined;
  • accommodation — the share of underage orphans provided with housing complying with requirements established by legislation is determined;
  • family status — the share of underage orphans who created families is determined;
  • financial and economic situation — the share of underage orphans who have overdue utility bills, taxes, fines and other payments and receive social payments (a pension, benefits, compensations);
  • good behaviour — the share of underage orphans who were given a warning or convicted of criminal offence is determined.

The data will be collected to create a database with information about socialisation of underage orphans living in Tatarstan.

The authorities are going to take a set of socio-economic, pedagogical and legal measures to integrate these citizens into society. During the work, specialists will provide support in professional career guidance and employment, help with accommodation, mental support and finding their relatives. (archive)

It should be reminded that Vice Minister of Education and Science of Tatarstan Alsu Asadullina said that nowadays the republic has 13 organisations for underage orphans. But despite the conditions created for accommodation and education, there is a problem of unauthorised leaves, she said. In 2021, there were registered 48 cases of children’s unauthorised leaves, 77 in 2022, 51 cases in the first half of 2023.

“The monitoring shows that most orphans who leave without permission are children who are inclined to vagrancy, asocial behaviour,” she explained.

Maxim Kokunin

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