Tatarstan citizens create almost 4k companies in 7 months but find themselves outside top 5

Tatarstan citizens create almost 4k companies in 7 months but find themselves outside top 5
Photo: Fatykhov

Despite the difficult economic situation, Tatarstan residents continue to be realised as entrepreneurs — almost 4 thousand new companies appeared in Tatarstan in 7 months of 2023. However, there are also those who, for one reason or another, close their business or lose it, for example, due to bankruptcy — there were 1,3 times more of them in the republic in January-July. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Leader in the Volga Federal District, but outside the top 5 in Russia

From January 1 to August 1, data on 3,892 new companies from Tatarstan were entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The absolute majority of them — 3,878, or 99,6%, appeared by creating from scratch. The remaining 14 companies were formed through the reorganisation of other legal entities.

Out of 14 regions of the Volga Federal District, Tatarstan became the leader in the number of registered legal entities in January-July 2023. The gap between it and neighbouring Bashkiria, which became the second, is 41,9%. Mari El, which ranks the last, was immediately overtaken by Tatarstan by 1,219%, or 13,2 times, Realnoe Vremya calculated, having studied the data of the Federal Tax Service. Tikhonov

Tatarstan accounted for a fifth of all legal entities registered in the Volga Federal District for 7 months — 21%. In total, in the district during this period, information about 18,522 new companies was entered into the register, 181 of which appeared through reorganisation.

Realnoe Vremya ranked the regions of the Volga Federal District by the number of legal entities registered from January 1 to August 1, 2023:

  1. Tatarstan — 3,892;
  2. Bashkortostan — 2,743;
  3. Nizhny Novgorod Oblast — 2,300;
  4. Samara Oblast — 2,083;
  5. Perm Krai — 1,417;
  6. Udmurtia — 1,334;
  7. Ulyanovsk Oblast — 881;
  8. Saratov Oblast — 875;
  9. Orenburg Oblast — 695;
  10. Penza Oblast — 594;
  11. Kirov Oblast — 548;
  12. Chuvashia — 540;
  13. Mordovia — 325;
  14. Mari El — 295.

The top 3 — Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, and Nizhny Novgorod Oblast — account for almost half of all new business players in the Volga Federal District — 48%. For comparison, the share of the three so-called outsiders — Chuvashia, Mordovia, and Mari El — is only 6,25%, which is less than that of one Udmurtia, which is on the sixth line. Fatykhov (archive)

In general, in the context of the regions of Russia, Tatarstan failed to enter the top 5 in terms of the number of registered legal entities. According to the results of January-July 2023, the republic is the sixth, losing to Moscow (50,861 legal entities), Moscow Oblast (9,390), St. Petersburg (8,676), Sverdlovsk Oblast (4,622), and Krasnodar Krai (4,406).

In total, in Russia, from the beginning of 2023 to August 1, information about 148 822 new legal entities was posted in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. 146,867 companies were created from scratch, and 1,446 were reorganised.

105 Tatarstan companies disappeared from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities due to bankruptcy

In January-July 2023, 5,145 legal entities ceased to exist in Tatarstan. 889 companies of them were liquidated, of which 105 were in bankruptcy. Due to the reorganisation, 80 organisations disappeared.

The majority of Tatarstan legal entities — 4,138, or 80,4% — ceased to exist due to their exclusion from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities by the decision of the registering authority. Of these, 674 were non-operating. Another 3,464 companies disappeared due to the presence of information in the register, “in respect of which a record of unreliability was made”.

In the situation with the number of discontinued legal entities, Tatarstan has become one of the leaders in the Volga Federal District, taking second place following Samara Oblast. In January-July 2023, the republic also accounted for a fifth of all officially disappeared Volga Region companies. Tikhonov (archive)

Realnoe Vremya ranked the regions of the Volga Federal District by the number of legal entities ceased to exist from January 1 to August 1, 2023:

  • Samara Oblast — 5,600;
  • Tatarstan — 5,145;
  • Bashkortostan — 2,494;
  • Nizhny Novgorod Oblast — 2,202;
  • Perm Krai — 1,507;
  • Saratov Oblast — 1,199;
  • Orenburg Oblast — 1,060;
  • Udmurtia — 992;
  • Chuvashia — 827;
  • Ulyanovsk Oblast — 782;
  • Penza Oblast — 612;
  • Kirov Oblast — 529;
  • Mari El — 366;
  • Mordovia — 218. Fatykhov (archive)

Among the Russian regions, Tatarstan ranks sixth in terms of the number of legal entities that have ceased to exist in seven months, as in the case of the number of registered ones. The top 5 regions remained almost unchanged — there is no only Sverdlovsk Oblast, which was pressed by Samara Oblast:

  • Moscow — 37,775;
  • Saint Petersburg — 12,683;
  • Moscow Oblast — 6,485;
  • Samara Oblast — 5,600;
  • Krasnodar Krai — 5,319;
  • Tatarstan — 5,145.

In total, 140,943 legal entities ceased to exist in Russia from January 1 to August 1, 2023. Of these, 4,965 — as a result of reorganisation, 31,699 — due to liquidation, including 3,580 in bankruptcy.

Tatyana Demina

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