Return of first deputy, digitalisation department: Ministry of Transport of Tatarstan to change the structure

Return of first deputy, digitalisation department: Ministry of Transport of Tatarstan to change the structure
Photo: Fatykhov

As it became known to Realnoe Vremya, the Ministry of Transport and Road Management of Tatarstan is going to change the structure. For example, they are introducing the position of first deputy, which has not been there for many years, and also creating a digitalisation department. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Now Minister of Transport has three deputies instead of the required four

The amendments will be made to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “Issues of the Ministry of Transport and Road Management of the Republic of Tatarstan” dated July 6, 2005. First of all, they affect the management staff — if the project is adopted, the position of first deputy minister will reappear in the Ministry of Transport. According to information from the Network, the last person to hold this post was Pavel Chernov. He worked in the department for 10 years — from 2001 to 2011. During these years, Chernov worked under Vladimir Shvetsov (2001-2007), Ildus Faskhutdinov (2007-2010), and Lenar Safin (2010-2020).

According to the changed structure, the first deputy minister will oversee the strategic development department, the budget planning department, the innovation development and public procurement sectors

In general, the minister is supposed to have four deputies. Now, according to the information on the website, only three slots are occupied.

Farit Khanifov Fatykhov

It should be noted that two of them came after the appointment of Farit Khanifov in 2020:

  • Ayrat Sadykov (from January 2022);
  • Lilia Kurbanova (from September 2022);
  • Artem Chukin (from February 2014).
Artem Chukin Fatykhov

In June , he left the position of deputy Timur Nikonov, who came with Sadykov in early 2022. Prior to their appointment, it is worth noting that only Chukin was Khanifov's deputy. Prior to that, Andrey Egorov, who had held the post since 2013, left the post. The latter repeatedly commented on the introduction of QR codes in transport due to the coronavirus.

For the sake of the new digitalisation department, the protocol department will be cut

These are not all changes. Besides, the position of the Second Assistant to the Minister for Anti-Corruption Issues is being created from the existing vacancies in the ministry's staffing table in order to strengthen the staff and reduce risks. He will monitor the subordinate institutions of the ministry, as well as the regulations on the implementation of measures to control the provision of fair competition in the procurement of goods, works, services to meet state needs and the targeted use of funds, including for ongoing national projects, investment and state programmes. It follows from the document that the introduction of the position was verbally agreed with the rais of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, and the prime minister of the republic, Alexey Pesoshin.

There will also be the new digitalisation department — through the reduction of the protocol department.

“This is necessary for the development of the transport complex in a 'digital' form, ensuring the management of regional transport information systems, the introduction of intelligent transport systems, improving the efficiency and security of the transport complex, ensuring control and prevention of leaks of personal and biometric data of passengers by analyzing data flows; monitoring and analysis of the security status of the transport complex in online mode," it follows from the explanations. Platonov

In this regard, the informatisation and information sector will also be renamed into the information technology sector. It is noted that the new structure will not entail an increase in staff units.

The monthly salary fund for official salaries will also increase — from 2,352 to 2,375 million rubles.

Realnoe Vremya submitted a request to the press service of the Ministry of Transport about the changes.

Daria Pinegina

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